Treachery... |
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- Friday, July 2 2004, 22:15:49 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
When the Christians of Iran had to run for their lives, in 1917-18, from the Muslims of Iran (who were facing attacks from the Christians of Europe) and ran towards the Muslims of Iraq...a Muslim country by a REAL Arab, actually from Arabia, they were welcomed and given refuge. Many of them, like my grandfather, went on to become successful and happy residents of a nation still reeling from wars and interventions and soon an attack by the British. When refugee Christians, against the advice of their own people, decided to "take back Assyria" by helping the Brits and believing their promises of aid in getting their own country, and then had to run to Syria and came back still carying the British weapons they`d recently used against Muslim Iraqis...and ignored demands that they lay their weapons down..they were fired upon when re-entering Iraq any nation anywhere would have done in similar circumstances. Then came the attack on teach a lesson probably, like Christians believe in executing murderers to teach them the lesson that it`s wrong to one, absolutely no one has clean hands, least of all Christians who just gave us two World Wars and a Holocaust to boot. When the Christians agreed to wear the detested uniforms of the British and accept money and weapons from them to subdue the Iraqi civilians who were fuming then as now at an illegal occupation of their country by Christians...the same Brits who joined up with America to pound the people once again...they not only killed Iraqi citizens, descendants of the same anient people but with a different Jew religion..they also set in motion steps that would lead to the death of their own people...something they continue to deny responsibility for. The same thing just happened all over again when Christian Assyrians played the same remote control sleight of hand game in which Iraqis were blamed for the murder through Sanctions and starvation and diseases of 500,000 of their own children. Our Christians cheered the Sanctions and ignored the harm and sufering caused to the people of Iraq, fellow Christians as well...choosing instead to blame the Iraqis or ignore the data altogether. For the Christian Assyrians it was another version of the Levies, only this time they didn`t have to dirty their hands and they were well off enough to help pay for the murders instead of getting paid to do the killing. Who says things haven`t progressed? America would have gone to war anyway this time around, it didn`t need the boys any more than the Allies needed Agha Pourous to "win the war". The Brits in 1921 could have killed Iraqis themselves and didn`t need the Christian Levies to do it for them..but in both cases the willingness of our Christians to lend their support meant the Sanctions and the wars and occupation could appear to be justified..called for as they were even by "Iraqis"...Christians who the rest of the time will swear they have nothing to do with Iraq..not until America needs a turncoat by that name. Agha Poutrous and his guerilla band didn`t win the war...neither did T.E. Lawrence and his guerilla army..but both of them distracted the Turks and forced them to release reserves and spend precious resources...and both the Levies and today`s Christian cheerleaders helped in America`s war effort to murder Iraqis, tarnish the image of an ENTIRE religion as they did with Judaism..and for the same kill innocent people first demonized and flagrantly lied about and harrassed to the point of distraction till some fought back, after which the ENTIRE religion and its believers were labelled Terrorists and "naturally" bloodthirsty..tarring them all with the brush Westren Christians used to paint up a few of them. Each and every time the Christians have done this, not only their Muslim brothers and sisters have been killed..but later, death has come to their own people of the Christian faith. It`s a heavy price to pay to help Westerners get rich quick...which is all the boys have ever achieved. --------------------- |
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