The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Truth Is...

Truth Is...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Wednesday, June 16 2004, 17:16:05 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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Aprim, DeKelaita, Hanna, Jassim who used to be Jassim and the rest of these patriots have had as their one hole in the card Strategy the end result of these Dark Days they now claim to see looming on the horizon. They KNEW nothing good would come of a war waged by Christians that would liberate Iraqi Christians and make them safe and secure to be Christian from then on without a fear or a care in the much as they KNOW now and knew all along there would be reprisals to come against Christians in Iraq when the American leave and there`s no one to get back at MORE than those Christians who were begging the Americans to come...and to stay and keep liberating Iraqis of their lives and families..they knew it and they know it now..and it`s their fall back position..well, really it was always the only possibile outcome..but one they still see great hope from, though they dasn`t come out and say it...

That strategy involves getting as many "martyrs" as they many dead and chopped up and raped to death Christians as they can tie into one bundle they hope to drag round the world to raise sympathy through(though they call it "awareness")..that ultimate goal of making themselves SO damn pathetic, they`ll finally be pitied the descendants, the ONLY ONES, of the ancient Assyrians..and maybe they`ll GET last.

Aprim doesn`t really mind these dark days to come..hell, it`s what all their hopes are pinned upon...dead bodies...but dead CHRISTIAN bodies...and then only those FINALLY done to death by Muslims. Oh..if Majdolin`s children were just alive today...and could get killed by Muslims. My, what an outpouring of "care" and "love" there would be for them then.


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