The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> eloquence in action! eloquence in action!
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Saturday, June 19 2004, 16:06:03 (CEST)
from Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

you can`t fault the logic or humanity in this post...and it makes not a whit of difference that it isn`t "gramatically" correct..its heart is in the right place..and we need more heart...

"I think there is no occupation. The math simply is that the current people (Kurds) maybe remnant of old Assyrians. It makes no crystal difference if the old name 'Assyria' changed into another name as 'Kurdistan'. Many changes took place on the globe, Assyria and Assyrians included into which. We should be proud of this. We still live and our country exist, but under different name. No problem if some be Muslim and others Christian. We are the same people."

..I just hope this person can stand up to the attacks on his mother that will be forthcoming. This is the tactic these boys have relied upon to clear their path to nowhere.


The full topic:

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