The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Unbelieveable...

Posted by parhad (Guest) - Tuesday, June 15 2004, 17:42:43 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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...I mean that these Christians would brag about a letter like thanking the Levies for makiing Simele possible..and in the next breath tell the Muslims of Iraq they DEMAND a "democractically" handed over by majority rule TRIANGLE to be administered by the same fucks who worked for those whom the Iraqis know full well never came to help but ruin them...amazing.

appreciation to an Assyrian christian


Beth Suryoyo Assyrian (Othuroyo) Forum


Written by Ben on 15 Jun 2004 16:20:11:

U.S. Department of the Army: Letter of Appreciation for Atheel Andrews, an Assyrian
From 1 July 2003 to 15 March 2004, you worked closely with the
members of this command as an interpreter in the Falluja and Baghdad,
Iraq areas. Your aggressive attitude in obtaining valuable information
aided greatly in the security and safety of all my soldiers and the
arrest of many individuals who were involved in criminal activity. Your
religious patriotism towards U.S. and Coalition Forces was recognized
many times over by senior members of the command staff.

In many tense situations, it was your calm demeanor which
helped many Iraqi people realize that coalition forces were there to
aid the Iraqi people, not conquer them. You established an impeccable
report’ with many of the Sheiks and village elders who came to trust
you dearly as an honest and sincere representative of the United States
Military. Through your industrious and energetic efforts, many
contractual agreements were arranged that provided much needed services
throught the reconstruction, rehabilitation, and upgrade of a large
segment of the neighboring infrastructure. It was you who was the
primary force in the reconstruction of 25 kilometers of a water canal
system, aiding some 17,000 plus residents who benefited from this
project. The younger children had never witnessed many of these
services before.

Finally I would like to take this opportunity to thank you on
behalf of all the Iraqi children who benefited from your work in the
local schools. As an interpreter, your visits to the schools with the
Civil Affairs unit aided in hurdling some great barriers. The children
adored the way you spoke to them and gave them small gifts, such as
pencils, paper, and candy, which to them would not have been realized
for months to come. I cannot think of enough ways to thank you for your
service. But I will tell you that you would be welcomed within this
command with open arms should this unit return to the Iraqi theater.


Lieutenant Colonel, Military Police



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