The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> We the People Failed

We the People Failed
Posted by Tony (Guest) - Tuesday, July 6 2004, 4:25:52 (CEST)
from Commercial - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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I think some Christian Assyrians don't want to remember because it hurts those 5000 Iraqi kids including Christians under 5 years of age died due to U.S. and U.N. sanction 90’s.

Another Christian group to please the master (s) went out in multiple cities including San Jose and Chicago waving U.S. flags and chanted thank you President Bush, Thank you President Bush.

Another group of Christian Assyrian felt violated and they felt they were misled and bluffed by the U.S. and Assyrian puppet leaders. However, due to lack of antiwar sentiment among our people and our organizations they were shuffled with the rest of pro-war Assyrians.

So, in the end I must admit, people were duped and misled by the establishment including the media which they’re suppose be the eyes and ears of the people and last but not least, “We the People Failed”.


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