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Welcome To Monotheism...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Sunday, June 27 2004, 2:46:57 (CEST)
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...god`s slaughter house...

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By WAYNE PARRY, Associated Press Writer

EAGLESWOOD TOWNSHIP, N.J. - The recent beheadings of two American businessmen in the Middle East have added fuel to the angry backlash against Arab-Americans and Muslims that began after the 2001 terrorist attacks.

The murders of Paul Johnson and Nicholas Berg triggered hate mail, verbal attacks and anti-Muslim signs. Muslims received death threats and their mosques were vandalized.

"Since 9/11, every time there is an incident overseas attributed to Muslims or Arabs, we go on orange alert ourselves," said immigration lawyer Sohail Mohammed. "There are individuals here who are off the wall, who think that every woman who wears a hijab or every man named Mohammed is out to blow things up."

...well, now they know how Iraqis felt when Christians starved a half million Assyrian children, many of them Christians, to death. Some people starve children children...some people behaed people..there`s no accounting for taste.

...It won`t will never stop...god doesn`t want it to stop..he`s spoken to all the nuts who pray to him and prey on each must go on and on...he`s testing to see just how well he fucked up when he made far he`s right on track...

...Let`s just remember that the Jews didn`t kill Christ..the Romans did and oddly enough they went on to make a thriving business out of his corpse...and they`re the ones who shifted blame to the Jews, blaming them for their own murder...because how would it look? Then after 1000 years of teaching this stuff to cherubic bottomed kids they finally found their man...Hitler..who was no more a monster than any other monstrous Christian and there have been a lot of those.

But...friends and neighbors...not even Christians can kill, cook and eat people that fast, so by the time they all exhausted themselves what with their toys and all...damned if there weren`t a few Jews left hiding here and they rounded them up, stuck them in a camp and called it "Israel" and for guards they used the pissed as hell Muslims surrounding them they kept paying the Israelis to go train and kill and make insane with grief and rage..the Final Solution, you see...moved to its next stage and the Christians stepped back and said.."What can WE know how POWERFUL those Jews are"...and the world blamed the Jews some more for getting themselves killed.

And after decades of raping and ruining young Muslim and Christian lives...lo and behold a new force came to earth..people so pissed they chose to die and take anyone they could with them..and in Washington a huge sigh of relief went up for where oh where would they find another Commie Threat under every bed if they couldn`t find Arabs falling from the sky..and the Christians went on and on, killing in the name of their God of Love..who told his ardent supporters to say..."Fuck turning the cheek bullshit...gimmie a precision strike"!

And they starved and they raped and they lied and they if nothing had ever changed since the day the murderous Romans discovered the value of killing behind a Prince of Peace and then feeling "real bad about it".

And they said those who fought back..who raised a finger, even a middle finger, in protest were Terroists and best blow them up too..cause from a finger can come a bomb..and why wait?

And Yahwe looked out over the earth and the cocksucker was as pleased as a hog in shit...which is where they found him centuries ago. And we will rapidly come to be in his image...oink.


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