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=> What do I think???

What do I think???
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Tuesday, July 6 2004, 22:39:35 (CEST)
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A Call for Genetic Testing

Posted By: Robert (
Date: Tuesday, 6 July 2004, at 11:14 a.m.

With recent advances in modern extraction techniques with ancient DNA (see it has become possible to perform detailed genealogical analysis of modern populations in order to determine relationships to ancient peoples.

In 1989, Iraqi archaeologist Muzahem Hussein uncovered the tomb of Mullissu-mukannisat Ninua, queen of Ashurnasirpal II and mother of Shalmaneser III.

One of the tombs contained bones of six people, including a young adult, three children, a baby, and a fetus. A coffin contained a young woman—most likely a queen, given the magnificent gold crown she wore—as well as a child. Another coffin held five adults, including a man 55 to 65 years old in unusually good physical condition at the time of his death. A golden vessel with the name of Samsu-ilu, an illustrious field marshal who served under at least three kings, was found in the third coffin.

All of the adults have dental remains. With modern technology, it is possible to extract the existing DNA and multiply it. With multiplication, detailed DNA analysis can be performed on modern Assyrians and other Iraqi groups (Kurds, Arabs, Turkomen, etc.) in order to determine what relationship (if any) each group shares with the ancient Assyrians, and more importantly, with each other.

The results should then be published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal. I feel this could be a tremendous way for modern Assyrians to demonstrate that we are the indigenous people of Assyria.

What do you think?

...I think you`re a sick Fascist fuck who`s devoutly Christian..believes all Assyrians became Christian and wouldn`t settle for any proooves that tell the`s enough to know we`re all on people on this planet and if we don`t drop these artifficial barriers your churches are ever ready to set up...we can begin to act like the Assyrians of old..who were NEVER concerned with Purity of Blood bullshit.


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