The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> a good example..

a good example..
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Sunday, June 27 2004, 5:37:12 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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..of voting with dollars. A friend here tells me when Selena, the much beloved Texana Star was killed, Stern called her some very ugly names. Mexicans everywhere boycotted Gatorade, used to soak jockstraps with, which was his main sponsor back then...his only one I think.

They tried to ignore it at first of course but it grew and grew and then the sales people noticed their bottom line was slipping and that of the competition was they caved and Stern apologized.

No one wanted the fucker`s apology..they just sent the company a message...fuck with us and we can cost you your profit margin...fuck with us long enough and we`ll shut you down.

The power is in our hands..not the idiotic vote..that was a big deal when there were no corporations spanning the globe buying up governments and polluting where they chose..then moving on. These days they`ve provided us with the best means to control THEM..only we`re still stuck back in Athens, thrilled to be able to vote every so many years...come on people...times change...change and adapt with`s truly a matter of life and death.


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