a hard lot |
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- Friday, June 11 2004, 12:24:59 (CEST) from - customer-148-233-93-64.uninet-ide.com.mx Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
...it has fallen to me to go through Peter jassim`s "thoughts"..or whoever writes the crap at aina explaining who "Assyrians" are. I have to come up for air frequently and I brought this paragraph up with me... "The passive ideology is modified, but it is not its fundamental nature that is changed, it is its character that is redefined. Recall that the passive ideology dictated a subservient attitude on the part of the Assyrians toward their rulers, without active engagement by the Assyrians (as a whole) in unfolding world events. ...Good lord...Jassim has made his own impotence into a "national" characteristic..these boys all do that..."Assyria" is merely a projection of their own flaws..it`s their excuse. They are lousy Assyrians because Assyria became a lousy place. Or in this case a "passive" place. Jassim works it backwards..he looks out at his own family tree with all the monkeys in it laying around not doing much..he looks at what Christianity has made of them and he decides they all MUST be Assyrians..because Assyrians MUST have become passive. And for proof? He does what they all do..he looks at himself and `his "explanations"..forgets they came from his own head and decides they exist apart and are all of them factual and "historical". HIS kind of Assyrian is a passive lump of Jello. That`s why he pushes the notion that ALL Assyrians have to be Christians..because his Christians are ALL one big passive lump. And even though he knows and admits in secret that there are Assyrian Muslims..it would destroy his prooves about passivity if we all spoke up front about our Muslim brothers and sisters..who decidedly were not passive but very ACTIVE. This passive aspect of the passive ideology is now modified to be an active element. Once again, the Assyrians become active participants in local and global affairs, this time not through imperialism, but through an ecclesiastic missionary enterprise. ...lookit how he transforms living on your knees into an ACTIVE enterprise..and why? Because they went around barefot selling Judaism. This is indeed Christian "activism"...it sure as shit was never and has never been Assyrian activism. The passive ideology becomes a missionary ideology. This missionary ideology, as a redefined passive ideology, becomes the foundation of a new kind of empire by the Assyrians: a religious empire spanning all of Asia, from Syria to China and Japan.6 ...a religious "empire"? What the hell is that? "Spanning" ALL of Asia??? A Missionary is a pain in the ass gone out for a walk...big fucking deal! It is an empire founded on divine revelation and Christian brotherhood. ...The Romans had the only religious empire and they weren`t known for any kind of brotherhood except one of murder and rapine. The missionary ideology even survives the fragmentation of the church itself.7 The achievements of the Assyrian missionary enterprise are well documented ...they are? What are they? Taking a Jew religion that had nothing to do with Assyrian ideology and becoming a travelling salesman for it? And this leaves them with exactly what? What new and unheard of benefits will come to them from being passive? And you boys think Ghandi achieved what he did by being passive? It`s called passive RESISTANCE...NOT "passiivity"! In passive resistance you RESIST..you place yourself at the cventer of events and you RESIST...but you agree to do it non-violently...NOT to retaliate in kind when you are beaten etc. You boys are PASSIVE, like mucous is passive...you don`t fight anywhere...except at parties and against each other...you don`t place yourselves at thecenter of things and you sure as hell don`t risk anything...quite the contraray, you RUN to where it`s safest and encourage others togo kill for you! ...good lord. I never realized till I read this thing just how enshrined being passive is...not in Assyrians..that`s absurd..but in these Christian boys who`ve tried to make their own personal flaws into national strengths! I`m surprised Jassim hasn`t diclared that acne is a national scourge among the Assyrian Nation. --------------------- |
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