absurd |
Posted by
- Monday, June 14 2004, 2:00:32 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
...the more you think about it the more this notion of the Iraqi Christians being the ONLY descendants of the Assyrians sounds ridiculous. One can only imagine what Muslims think about it. No wonder they scoff at the idea that "Assyrians" deserve any triangles or special rights..or that "Assyrians" have been discriminated against and massacreed...or that Christians have been either for that matter. No one..absolutely no one has killed more Christians than other Christians. What`s in Christianity to make a Muslim hate it? There are silly things in it that an certainly be scoffed at...but kill people over it? And what part of an "Assyrian" exactly is so distressing, so hatefull to a Muslim that he just HAS to exterminate them? Besides which what the hell do the boys do that is in any way Assyrian? What? Have they taken up valuable land Muslims wanted to build Assyrian concert halls, hospitals, universities...? Just why would a Muslim hate an Assyrian? What is in Christianity that he`d hate that? Especially when the Prophet, peace be unto him, expresslely told his followers to respect them. What the boys refuse to mention is what they have DONE...as rats and baatards and skunks and snivelling PEOPLE who happened to be Christian and who also decided to enoble their sorry asses by claiming to be the ONLY Assyrians so, "give us some land". What have they don? Why, the very same thing they`re doing now. They`ve supported and preyed for abd begged foreign Christians nations to decalre war on their "homeland"...their country, which they feel no loyalty for because of their own friggin religion...and they`ve helped, and paid for and worked for and now even send young men back with the attackers to kill their own people. Is this not sufficient reason to hate these PEOPLE? Would they be just as hateful if they were Buddhist...or Athiest...oe Shinto? Would Palestinians NOT hate ANYONE doing what the Israelis are doing to them? Iraqis are shooting and killign Muslims too who collaborate so the common characteristic is NOT a religion or a claimed ethnicity..it is the BEHAVIOR...it is the willingness to work against the people of the country in the hire of those who come to kil and steal...who supported the last dictator and have planted this new government as well. The animosity Muslims have towards other Muslims who behave as these Christians behave is well justified and also earned...they are actually asking for it...and they`re getting it more and more and will until the last of them is hunted down...well after Bush leaves and Halliburton rebuilds what halliburton destroyed. The boys are rats..that`s why they`re hated...they could be Fillipino, Chinese, Swahilli or "Assyrian" OR Muslim Iraqis and they would be despised just as much...and they think a democratic Iraq is going to vote them a triangle? Or...rather, they think YOU are gong to believe it? Believe it enough to join your TITTIES to theirs? --------------------- |
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