The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> aina pet food

aina pet food
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Friday, July 9 2004, 6:04:49 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

Jassim is prowd to announce that "Assyrian" webmasters can now get aina`s "aricles" added onto their websites...he means of course you can spread their crap for them...what you`ll get are the same articles you could anywhere...larded over a fathead layer of their own "articles"...Chrstian propaganda of a low order...because aina is "quoted by the State Depatrment!...I kid you not..that`s what consummare ass actually says...and that other jackass Wellfed Alkhass says the same thing, that he has to be "carefull" what he puts in Zindalite because...and he told me this himself, "thousands of people in Washington are reading Zindalite"...sure..whatever you boys say...and you`re Assyrians too...right?

Attention Assyrian Webmasters: AINA Headline Feeds now Available

Posted By: AINA <> (
Date: Thursday, 8 July 2004, at 7:35 p.m.

The Assyrian International News Agency has begun syndicating it's news. This service is free of charge.

You can now include AINA headlines on your webpage by using a very simple Javascript which retrieves the AINA headlines and shows them on your webpage. This feature adds a professional touch to your website, and helps disseminate Assyrian news to all Assyrians. AINA is the trusted source of Assyrian news and political analysis, and is widely quoted by the State Department, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and other sources.

You can make your own custom Javascript Headline Feeder by visiting the following page:

There you can control all aspects of the feed,

..."feed" indeed.

such as size, width and color. After you have created your feed, simply copy the generated Javascript into your webpage and watch the headlines roll in. Headlines are updated automatically by the Javascript.



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