The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> amazing how close to the surface

amazing how close to the surface
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Sunday, June 27 2004, 7:25:29 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

..once you scratch slightly, the nasty little creeps live...their pious Christian cant is barely and I mean BARELY skin deep...under that are some of the sorriest specimens you ever don`t want to know.

Their fall-back position, when not getting their own people killed, "for pity`s sake" to accuse whomever they can`t answer, who can sneak by the guardogs protecting them...things like the following...

Written by Atra on 27 Jun 2004 05:21:20:

As an answer to: Re: You guys live in the past written by Ben on 27 Jun 2004 02:14:07:

We should ask them whom did they buy this time in order to write few things here and there ?`s that for Double Strength "Assyrian"-Christians?


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