and what`s inside YOUR genes? |
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- Thursday, July 8 2004, 14:59:18 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
...the boys is sooo cute. A person learns Arabic and BECOMES an Arab...another eats Korean food and BECOMES Korean...still another travels to Turkey, comes back to open a Turkish restaurant and BECOMES a Turk...others call themselves Kurds and BECOME Kurds..and of course those who believe in Islam are all from Arabia because the religion is...and any Buddhists turn into Indians and or Chinese...a student of Zen becomes Japanese...and several natives learn Italian and demand Rome be returned to them...or at least a corner of it. Of course the boys are indigenous and if asked how they know it will tell you their religion was there first...which isn`t accurate either since Ashur was way before and OF the people and land and sky and mountains and flowers and fields and rivers..whereas their Jesus is a Jew from Israel...but they`ll never conisder themselves Jews for that reason. In this post Tiglath has the conclusioon drawn by Dr Elias...a dear fellow and excellent teacher, about just such a genetic study already conducted which drew the not so startling conclusion that all the people of BetNahrain are related genetically but divided by human stupidity..they too have drawn the conclusion that if they speak the language spoken 5000 miles away they BECOME the same as those people and different "genetically and ethnically" from their neighbors who picked up the religion of people 3000 miles in the oppostite direction. We are one people fighting over trivialities and so long as we define ourslves by trivial "differences"...we will be as a plaything for the West..that`s been our REAL modern histry...and they just did it again...and we all helped them, like we always have. We are our own worst enemies, finding it more important to punch each other out while the whole ship sinks from under us than patch the vessle, bail water and make for home... Answering Robert's call for genetic testing.... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beth Suryoyo Assyrian (Othuroyo) Forum -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Written by Tiglath on 08 Jul 2004 12:00:24: It's already been done. See Here's the result for all who continue to insist that the earth is flat. The results of these scientific studies lead to the startling realization that Turks, Iranians, Kurds, Iraqis, Jordanians, Lebanese are more closely related genetically to Assyrians than they are to other members of their own respective language families in Asia. These seven groups (and Jews) are genetically close. The great language, cultural and religious differences are not reflected in the most fundamental aspect of their biology - their genes, which are the most accurate indicators of their shared origins and ancestry. If this were widely known, would the Assyrians seem so "different" to the others? Would changes in attitude begin to take place, especially among the intellectual and academic communities and the younger generations? thing...if Dr Elias would take his own advice, he would not refer to Christians as "Assyrians"...since Christianity doesn`t show up in anyone`s genes. A scientific survey of genes would just state that the people are far more related than any of their various learned characteristics define them as...whether you call yourself Babylonian, Assyrian, Kurd, Jew or Arab...the genetic material will never allow you to draw the barriers that we ourselves have developed..such as language, customs, "nationalities" and especially religion. These are merely the finishing touches added to the outside of our genes. ...It never fails...calls for genetic testing, or a nose chart, or "racial characteristics" are ALWAYS a precursor to bigotry and hatred and murder. WE are no Different than THEY...the only learned trait we all share is this desire to be unique and separate...which is what is killing us and fragmenting us and keeping us at each other`s throats...and that was never the Assyrian way. And of course the conclusion which takes the words right out of my mouth. Also standing at the dawn of the new millennium are the Assyrians - on the brink of extinction. For over 1900 years since they accepted Christianity and established the Church of the East, the Assyrians in the Middle East have survived for the most part as a religious and language minority. ...that`s a misleading say "the Assyrians"..thereby covering all those who shared that original Assyrian identity...which knew neither Islam nor Christianity, all converted to ONE foreign religion and are the ONLY Assyrians today. Assyrians turning to Islam, learning Arabic, SAYING they are Arabs, eating Arab food, SAYING they are NOT Assyrians...changes nothing in their genetic structure at all...doesn`t make them "different" because they pick up differences... Not all Assyrians accepted fact NONE of them accepted it willingly...that`s obvious...but anyway...there is no evidence at all suggesting even that ALL Assyrians became Christians....he should have said, "THOSE Assyrians accepting Christianity", have been a religious and language minority...but have received more than their fair share of abuse...which is exactly what those converting to Islam got...only they gave this misery to each other for the sake of two Jew knock-off religions..which shouldn`t be surprising since the Jews themselves, on first finding this sheepshit god of theirs, turned on their own brothers and sisters...what did we think the rest of us who joined their insanity would do..make nice? While this preserved their identity and kept them from disappearing, it came at a terrible price. did not "preserve their identity" completely altered it and destroyed what was the most essential part of it...their god and the culture surrounding that worship. It changed them into something else...and the only way you can claim it "preserved their identity" is to say they were penned up in ONE area while they awaited slaughter. The history of the Assyrians reads like one long unbroken story of massacre, persecution and indescribable horror, culminating in the 20th century with genocide and diaspora, followed by even more persecution and massacre. again Joel is playing the same game...calling Christians "Assyrians"...continuing the assumption that those of them who turned Christian in religion were the ONLY Assyrians. For a man of science to continue this absurdity is absurd. Was it just a coincidence that the first fratricide occurred in the Middle East, when Cain murdered his brother Abel? Will we ever be free of the curse of Cain? Will the younger generations of the Middle East release their souls from the dark forces of the past? Will the knowledge that Assyrians are their "blood relatives" begin to change the perception of Middle Eastern people about Assyrians? Will it be too late for the Assyrians? ...regardless of the same fiction he perpetuates, it`s still true that there are no genetic differences of any consequence between the people of BethNahrain and LEAST of all between Muslim Assyrians and Christian`s that Yahwe who fucked them both over. The Genetics of Modern Assyrians and their Relationship to Other People of the M --------------------- |
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