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- Sunday, June 27 2004, 5:53:07 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
The great Bus Boycott in Alabama is another incident where Racists, stuck in their ways for centuries soon enough moved on. After that bravest woman in the world stood up to the policy of segregated city busses...Blacks in Birmingham ( I think) called a boycott of all busses. Most of them didn`t have cars anyway so they relied on busses...which also means...Duh...that busses relied on them. Fortunately Whites chipped in and set up an informal shuttle service using their own cars to run regular schedules downtown..but only for emergencies...people aren`t stupid...not only did the bus company lose revenue but all downtown stores, the ones who were happy to take Black money anywhere but the lunch counter, started to see sales drop and Christmas was coming up...what`s Christian Racist to do? It was a no-brainer. Without another Civil war..without a tussle in the Capitol building with white racist Kluky politicians...without firing a single of the bedrock foundations of Jim Crow was overthrown in a matter of weeks. It was that simple. And what could the Whites do about it? Could they drag Blacks to the busses, throw them in back and take the fare from their pockets and purses? Could they drag them out of the busses and into the stores and force them to buy things? While Whites needed the busses and went on using them...still, any drop in revenues, because these people live to make MORE and MORE and ALL the money they can...any drop at all, eats into their profit..which is what the whole thing is one is being altruistic, they aren`t "Pleased to serve YOU better"..they`re happy as shit that they find new ways of serving THEMSELVES..and just then it became obvious that Jim Crow was going to shut them down. Had there been no stores in markets and free trade and all that good be used against the fuckers...Jim Crow would still rule the South. It`s so simple it hurts. You don`t have to get EVEYBODY on board..or even a majority. No one is trying to tell corporations how to run their businesses..we`re telling them to run their businesses and not our abide by the rules and not seek to rewrite them to suit themselves at our expense...all we want them to do is remain in their sphere...and we don`t need to lose them all their customers...just peel off enough to get the point across..which is not..."do what we tell you do in your business and board rooms"...but, "get out of our politics with your corruptng money..that comes from US". --------------------- |
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