apologies to Tiglath.... |
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- Thursday, July 8 2004, 7:15:01 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
...but Aprim is MY meat...you can take your swipe at him too... Re: Stop living a hallucination ...how`s that triangle looking in your head? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beth Suryoyo Assyrian (Othuroyo) Forum -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Written by Fred Aprim on 08 Jul 2004 03:06:01: As an answer to: Re: North of Iraq is NOT kurdistan as You Put it written by Tiglath on 07 Jul 2004 14:55:45: David Chibo (Tiglath), Simply put, facts are that today Kurds are Kurds and Arabs are Arabs and you can not change that, no matter how hard you tried. ..that`s funny..that`s what we`ve been saying about the Assyrians..that the Assyrians are the Assyrians and you can`t make Jews out of them...besides you didn`t catch the point..the same UN you keep crying to defines "indigenous", not the way you or Hanna do...but as Tiglath told you...400 years and you are indigenous...so you Christians can be what you are..a Christian minority and the Kurds can be what they are, an INDIGENOUS Muslims majority...like the "Arabs"..and betweem them you don`t get shit...and all that`s left for you to do is destroy it for everyone, the "dear" Christians of Iraq you`re so eager to get killed, the first to suffer...and guess what?...Nothing, I mean NOTHING could prove you aren`t Assyrian more than this "strategy" of yours. Today's world is much complex than that of 1400 years ago. World religions have been politicized to a point of no return. ...if you knew what you meant by that you would have expanded on it..as it stands it`s just another of those sentences that looked so good in your mirror. The Kurd and Arab Moslems have become completely two different groups with basically nothing in common with the Assyrian Christians with the exception of living on the same land. ...and you have nothing in commonm with the Assyrian Assyrians who lived on that land, except a language shared by everyone back then and kept by your churches...you have far more in common with Jews than Assyrians...besides all of that, your thoughts and diktats mean squat outside your living room. I am convinced, based on history patterns, living and witnessing world events, realizing the trend of ethnic national movements, and from understanding what different religions stand for and believe in, that to reverse the 1400 years cycle and re-gain Arabs and Kurds back in the Assyrian fold is impossible. Simply put again, it is an old's man hallucination. :::YOU understand...???...why you overstuffed Turkey...I`ve sat and TALKED with you and I never met a more ignorant man less aware of his failings then you....YOU`VE seen and understood? A man who weasles out of a conversation he can`t handle by threatening to "expose my children"??? Indeed, what you are indulged in is hallucinations and you know and we all know that that will never happen. So why waste everybody's time on something that will never happen? Winners do not waste their time on losing projects. Concentrate on things that we can accomplish and not on a mirage. ...look at the sublime idiot..the Kurds have ACCOMPLISHED what they set out to do while Aprim ran to California where he gladly sits on the stolen lands, uslurped away from the indigenous people and DEMANDS Mosul be truned over to him...as the indigenous lout of choice. ...the boys make a practice of telling you what you are...yet they can never MAKE the case..just call you a "traitor" or say you are hallucinating and that`s supposed to be an answer and a prooove at the same time. What the boys are proposing will never happen and has less of a chance of never happening than it never did before..it`s a moot point anyway because Iraq is a democracy, like America..and no America and no democracy has ever taken orders or accepted definitions from a minority and certainly not THIS one that`s been calling for the death and destruction of Iraq and it`s people..even repeating with regularity that if they don`t get thier way, that is, if the minority position doesn`t prevail..they `ll blow it for everybody...which is exactly why Iraqis wanted these Christian scumbags gone long ago and gave them the Ministry with which to make a quick exit. ...Assyrians my arse. Fred > --------------------- |
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