The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> art

Posted by parhad (Guest) - Tuesday, June 22 2004, 2:08:07 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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I tried to convince the boys that Art is more powerful than anything...who remembers ancient Assyrian political parties..or how outraged Babylonians were at Assyrian crimes? What the world has that it values of that era is all its facets. But they wouldn`t listen. Kanna is forgoten already but the Assyrian monument in San Francisco is as fresh and interesting and relevant and attractive today as it was 16 years ago as it will be 100 and 500 years from now..assuming the country still stands.

Who gives a damn about diclarations and demands and prooves a week later? Where`s Jassim`s poetry now? Never mind ten years from now. And once all the Aprims die out..who`s going to get cross-eyed reading his bibliography of things no one ever heard of?

Along those lines I`ve been thinking of a novellette...a serial with installments now and then, set during an AANF convention...with all the juicy details..who slept with whom..who got fucked..the behind the scenes shennanigans, many of which i witnessed over 23 years...all set during one conventon in particular when the president of the United States actually accepts an invitation to be their guest...and make a speech at the Sunday night banquet.

I`ll of course use real names..let them`s the best thing for publicity. I`ve got several juicy chapters in mind already..many starring Jackie Bejan and her travelling, national pussy.

I`m in Europe and Mexico..and there`s always sue me. If they won`t learn one way...we`ll teach them another.

I`ll be in the story of course and I get to play me..tall, dark and handsome. Write your own book!


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