The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> as incredible as it may seem...

as incredible as it may seem...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Friday, June 18 2004, 0:50:35 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title: an Iraq ravaged by years of war...plundered of its wealth, bereft of so many M;uslims and Christians killed...come these boys with their "list" prove what? That Iraqis suffered in this war? single out CHRISTIANS..and then only those killed by "tragic victims".

I mean it fairly takes your breath away...the audacity, the unfeeling "sentiment" of it all. Is the world expected to care? Having allowed so many innocent people, of all faiths, to be it supposed to become incensed, outraged, moved by this sad list of carefully configured and finely split and most selective victims...when there are a thusand times more murederd by this very religion?

Can they show any better than this that they`ve never seen themselves as part of the nation and has the nation been right all along to spurn them?. Is this supposed to prooves that Christians in Iraq are in danger? What of Muslims in Iraq? Has anyone been targetting them for a decadde and more? Who lost more...who`s list is longer?

It`s as if the boys come to the scene of a massive natural disaster and start asking the victims left alive and all of them in dire need...which ones are Christian...and from THEIR village. This is charity...kindness...caring?

No wonder they made themselves hateful that they now roam the earth begging Christians to go kill their countrymen. These boys it is who`ve made the rest of us ashamed to be Assyrian...when all along they were just Christian scum.


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