The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> below the belt as always...

below the belt as always...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Thursday, July 8 2004, 22:28:24 (CEST)
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Beth Suryoyo Assyrian (Othuroyo) Forum


Written by George on 08 Jul 2004 17:00:05:

As an answer to: Re: Answering Robert's call for genetic testing.... written by Tiglath on 08 Jul 2004 15:30:16:

Ah, "buddy" AINA has a lot of information, but not all of it, Assyrians didn't really have what you might call an "" to tell the world what was happening under Kurdish/Ottoman rule. I've heard personal stories of that sort of thing from my own family.

..all of your "history" comes under that tales and then prietsly lies...both highly suspect anywhere in the world but so "hard" to put aside for a real education.

Secondly, What about the Turkish Jannisaries? They were Christian (Assyrian/Armenian/Greeks) boys who were forcibly taken from their parents when they were young and forcibly converted to Islam and forced to take the Turkish ethnicity as their own. what? What about the CHRISTIAN young girls taken by "His Most Christian Majesty" Luis the XII ( ibelieve that`s his number) to be made into babyfaced whores for his delight at the Villa Aus Serfs at Versailles? What about the Africans taken and bred like cattle by Christians who also taught they taught you, that they LOVED jesus..the god of the white slavers? If you`re hunting the world for injustice and`ll never run short..besides which the Sulten took only the tenth child...not all of that so different than the draft?

There seems to be a lot you don't know about, and somehow you manage to end up acting like a jack@$$ in your responses. I guess thats why people on this forum dont really have anything good to say about you.

...if you ask his cousin, Paul Younan, who should be pleasing enough to you as he never met a Pisheeta he didn`t like...what he thinks of Tiglath he`ll tell well as any number of why don`t you stop playing the mind games your priests played on you and just deal with the issues...

...was it that important for you to be well liked in kindergarten? Does the opinion of people you don`t know rule your you stay up nights worrying about your breath?

For a person that gets called a lot of names you have a serious shuhara problem. be called names by you is a be your friend a minor thing
I might sound like I get overly excited when I respond to things, but only because its new information, maybe you can stop criticising, no I'm sorry, insulting is a better word, and actually criticise that portion you took from my response in a CONSTRUCTIVE way, by using reason.

...look who just called the kettle black...Tiglath has insulted no one..that`s your stock in trade..what does any of this have to do with being liked and popular? Stick to the point...answer the questions...we`ll take direct answers YOU be popular.

...neither Tiglath nor I nor anyone else has condoned Janissaries..or for that matter the starvation of Iraqi children..though I recall all of you remaining deathly silent about seek common ground means compromise and looking at things from different angles than you were raised to do..but it`s the only way to stop the terrors of the Jannissaries OR the Christians over there now on yet another Crusade.

Gwow up.



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