ben again... |
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- Friday, June 25 2004, 19:45:57 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
What you have written about the ancient Assyrians has no bearing on our today's situation. ..and the fact that YOU claim that only YOUR religion can be the test of the Assyrian descendants also has no bearing on you can see. The Ruling and dominant culture can does assimilate other cultures without losing its identity . ...bullshit. It`s quite obviously not the case with the Arabs who came from Arabia to Betnahrain..had their dominant culture remained dominant they all would have remained in mud huts..instead they were conquered by BetNahrain and developed the glorious Islamic Assyrian Empire that saved classical and modern learning, spread it to Europe and the New World. Conquest isn`t merely or even mainly a question of military`s a matter of culture and assimilation into the higher and richer...The England of today is not the England of 400 years ago..or 100 years ago. It is your Fascistic fuzzy myth that you people are somehow pure and real and only descendants..and based on what? A Jew religion you got from Isarel? Is that your idea of smart? This historically this has been true at all time. ...this has been hysterically true at all time..I mean people like you framing history to suit your narrow ends. Never has a minority culture has wiped out that of a majority. The reason for this is obvious.The ruling majority posseses the might, all the insturments of propaganga and oppression to force the weaker subjects into obediance but a minority has none of that. ...not true. The Nazis had all that power and lasted ten years. There`s such a thing as Truth prevailing over you idiots can`t seem to escape your Karma...the more you talk about your rights to the land the more you get pushed out of it the more you wish the entire land destroyed and the people killed..this is Hebrew thinking it is NOT Assyrian. A small fish can never swallow a whale anyone who thinks it can happen is out of his mind. ..then what the fuck are you crying to a Muslim majority in Iraq for? When you face a real trial in the real world, even FACTS can be deemed irrelevant so that even if your ditzy history was what? At what welfare office do you plan to apply for a return of YOUR country? You can`t take up a courts time just presenting FACTS..they have to be meaningful and TO THE POINT. ..The American judge who heard Dadeeshoos ridiculous argument said it best..after hours of him droning on and on about things that give you boys hard-ons in your clubs but nothing anywhere real..the judge said the argument was "long on rhetoric but short on logic". And that best typifies all your proooves. Cry, piss, moan and wail all you want to...tell us all what hisorty means to you and how you think the United Nations should act if they are real and true etc. None of it counts for anything just gives you a little thrill between your legs where your balls used to be. Saddam Hossains, the Kurds the Arabs you speak of are not Assyrians never been and have no intention of assimilating into the our Assyrian society and stop being Kurds or Arabs. They intend to claim its glory by dispossing us not only from our land and property but also identity. Anyone who will fall for their tricks frankly can not be that smart. ...and you are?..for falling for Jew tricks and their Yahwe I suppose? Tell us again how the Assyrians ran in fear to the mountain villages YOU happen to come from...while the Jews stayed right where they were and fought the Romans...but our ancestors quaked and shook till a Jew came by and gave them courage..tell us that story again..oh smart one. ...No one expects Kurds or Arabs to stop being who they no one expects you Christians to stop being Christians..but the notion that YOU are Assyrians..merely because you ran to China when the Muslims came..while the rest of our people converted to Islam and built another golden empire...and that therfore your RELIGION makes you the only descendants of the ancients is poppycock of a tall order. ..You are no more Assyrian for using that Front than I am Christian. You merely make of your Jew traditions "Assyrian" by tacking on the name. Talk about "the little guppy conquering the whale"! All the people of Betnahrain are descended from the ancients..and all of them have adopted diffrent religions and the cutoms which came from the FOREIGN lands and peoples who invented those religions..whether Jew or Arab or Persian or Roman or anyone else who passed over that land in 4000 years. For you to come wailing that only YOU are true and pure is deliciously stupid and does more than anything we could say to blow you away. You merely want your particular Jew-based sect to be thought of as what could be smarter than that? Saddam is neither Assryian nor Babylonians he is an Arab nationalist who advocated Arab supremacy over all none Arabs. ..."nationalist" isn`t the same thing. We all know his family converted to Islam from Christianity as we know of many who have done that in the Modern Era..let alone 1000 years ago. This is sheer and utter nonsense...because a person advocates "Arabism" does NOT make him or her less a descendant of the Assyrians...who were themselves a mixture of everybody and his sister. What if the Assyrians had managed to conquer Arabia..what then? Think about..or don`t. Go pray to Yahwe for more smarts instead. ...when you boys come to America you are keen for American Nationality..and America wants us all marching in one line..ask Ashcroft. There`s no difference. The Arabic language unites those people as English binds Britain, Canada, New Zealand and Australia...there`s no great crime there. Only fools fell for the tricks he was playing. His claim that ancient Assyrians and Babylonians were Arabs was his way of adding glory to the Arab civilization and to prove that Arabs have been in Mesopotamia since the begining of histoy which is a lie. He did not accept us as Assyrian and planned our demise therfore it would be foolish for us to try to prove him right. ..he never said that..that`s absurd as Iraq has had professionals in the field, Dr. Donny George for one, who`ve participated in world conferences and written books etc..and they would hardly say such a silly thing in front of the world. All Saddam said was that the ancients were the ancestors of ALL the people of Iraq..ot is YOUR flakey fantasy that any Muslim in Iraq HAD to have come with Muhammad`s a way to sidestep the issue that most of our people converted to Islam..and that fact blows away your claim to the land based on a Jew religion. That was all he said..he never Arabized anything fact on the one Iraqi webpage I saw the cross was up there with the crescent and there was every mention made of the ancients as being who they were...and not ARABS. Would you boys put the crescent up on your Christian "Assyrian" web page? Of course not. The Muslims know these are just two religious choices the SAME people you boys the wrong religion changes everything...and that`s the main reason you`ll get nothing..nothing besides even more of your own Christians killed and displaced. YOU have wished this on their heads. One can not be an Arab and a Kurd and call himslef an Assyrian at the same time. one has done that..they have said they too have Assyrian roots. If you`ll remember they DON`T call themselves Assyrians...which you at other times slam them for..they simply say it is a common ancestrty..which you refuse to accept because there goes your land grab. The ture Assyrian is a person who in addition for his Assyrian ancestry cares about the survival and wellbeing of our people and culture above all others and will never sacribfice the Assyrian interest for the sake of others. ..that`s a Fascsit..not an Assyrian. You`d hardly escape in America if you were Libyan and said your TRUE concerns were with Libya and Libyan history and culture and doing anything you could to promote it at the expense of your American citizenship...especially not during a war against Libya OR Iraq. And YOU don`t get to define what an Assyrian is Ashcroft can`t tell me what a real American fact it`s the ones who TRY to do that who are as far off the mark as possible. All you`re advocating is infantile stupidity and an unwillingnes to share your toys..which are`t yours just claim them. ...Anyone concerned for the well being of you Christians would not have supported a war by Christians against a Muslim country filled to the brim with the kinds of Christian-hating fiends you said make up the population...what did you think would happen? And a smart person wouldn`t discover just now that Democracy means Majority Rule and they CERTAINLY wouldn`t pull a Jassim and DEFINE it in a way no one ever heard of to mean that the majority MUST guarantee minority rights or it is no true demcoracy. He WOULD confuse litmus paper with toilet paper. are only concerned with your Jew-based religion and if it can`t get it`s way, you want all the people and the country too killed and buried. A person who will wish the destruction of our people thru assimilation or otherwise can hardly be considered as Assyrian even if he may be of Assyrian ancetry. There are traitors among all naitonalities who will help the enemy at the expence of their own people and they no longer belong to their former nation. ...stop with the traitor bullshit already...your definition fit those two women who were killed for collabotaring to a "T". let`s stop mongering hysteria among people..and try to approach these things calmly. No one is advocating anyone`s Christians can`t claim the entire identity, especially when you DO nothing Assyrian and try to make everything Christian "the same thing". This claim has never and will never get you cut it out. Let`s see what we can do to make a national identity in a nation called Iraq...where all cultures and religions might be respected..and if you are a numerical minority ACT like it and stop teaching sedition and calling down air strikes by foreign Christians as a smart way to gain the respect of the Muslim maority. A traitor is a traitor...and Iraq has Muslim traitors and puppets as well and you`ll all be dealt with in time. Those who converted to Islam for their own selfish interests abandoned their Assryian heritage and facilliated our demise. ...and what altruistic reason got you to switch to Christianity..a Jew religion? Weren`t your reasons also selfish..didn`t Abgar get healed by Christ...wasn`t that his get more goodies? Would he have converted you all had Christ failed to heal him? You have merely made of a Christian religion an, "Assyrian Heritage"..the very same thing you rail against Muslims for doing...for making the heritage an "Arabized" one. You ALL betrayed Assyrian religion and, let`s all try to deal with without falling into Western hands and destroying everything to save nothing. They oppressed and punished our people even worst than the real Arabs and other moslem. Upon conversion they often took with them the wealth of their christian family going back for seven generations leaving them in poverty. ..and the most Christian Inquisition was set up to rob and imprison and murder Jews they themselves had FORCED into Chriatianity years which time they`d robbed the Jews as well...but damned if they didn`t get rich again so the church came back at them a second time because they suspected the forced conversions were "insincere". Go to..all you religious people are murderers at heart. ..there are plenty of Muslim Assyrians being impoverished today...not until you people on both sides stop trying to appeal to emotions of the basest sort in order to keep the killing going will there be any hope for anyone. You`re like the old Clans feuding in the hills of one even remembers what the original beef was about..they just go on teaching hatred to their children so they`ll kill each other to get "justice" when all they get is more dead children...and you boys have come out and said you`d just as soon see the entire country ruined if you can`t get your way..I repeat, that`s Jewish certainly isn`t Assyrian. --------------------- |
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