The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> blowing gaskets

blowing gaskets
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Friday, June 25 2004, 4:49:58 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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My point is, how much better would we be now or in the near future should all of us show solidarity rather than immature criticism that is already causing us a lot of damage? How much would we achieve should we show our support rather than wrongful judgment on ongoing work?

What a shame.

..this is the tail end of a`s okay to rant...I do it sometimes too...but where`s the cause for surprise? Would this person give up his religion? NO. Would any of them accept whatever anyone wants to be? No. I`m talking about within ourselves..never mind the world.

The boys argue with each other over trifles..they ban and slam the door shut on countless people who have to agree with them or else..and they wonder why three of them can`t agree on a`s because they are all denominations from difefrent nations all arguing over nothing more than Judaism...over their insistence that they`re direct descendants of the ancient believe that at all you have to be four sheets to the wind to begin with..they want to walk a straight line too?


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