The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> born agains...

born agains...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Wednesday, June 23 2004, 20:00:22 (CEST)
from Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

..what attracts them to our Heritage isn`t a love of the ancient Assyrians...while they recognize their achievements etc what they really savor is the notion that we were damned back then...allowed to flourish "vainly" for a time..and then dumped all that Ashur foolishness for their pet Jew.

They`re on a sort of mission to eradicate any real pride among our children...and get us all Yahweing and only Yahweing.

To them stories of ancient glories, of wisdom and learning are only valuable in that they make that much a larger bonfire on the altar of Yahwe...I mean some Hottentot tribe coming to Yahwe with a spear and three arrows is nice and everything...but to think of the Assyrians...actually forsaking all they developed and people who value sacrifice above all else, to adopt their Jew god..well that really gets them hard-ons.

It`s the height we fell from that they see as "Assyrian"...the mess we made when we hit bottom as what they love about us...because where we started from...from that high up..we REALLY went splat!

They love the "SPLAT" of us...nothing more.

And as far as Slave names goes..that`s also an apt description of the religion as a whole. The Romans enslaved everyone they ever came in contact with who didn`t and enslave them...and they forced Christianity on them..then made the children and the grandchildren yearn for SALVATION from the same slave`s`s a great system.

But no Assyrian who is Assyrian would continue a slave any longer.


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