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=> can I have a triangle please?

can I have a triangle please?
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Monday, June 14 2004, 20:43:35 (CEST)
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Hanna again...They`re trying to make up for originality or coherence by repitition

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Re: Realistic means of achieving an Assyrian Administrative Region in Iraq

Posted By: Hanna Hajjar (
Date: Monday, 14 June 2004, at 12:47 p.m.

In Response To: Re: Realistic means of achieving an Assyrian Administrative Region in Iraq (Alfred Alkhas)

Dear Alfred,

It seems that you are missing my point.

...he must have gotten it from you...the miss I mean.

I realize fully that the Assyrian Triangle is not 100% populated by Assyrians; however this fact coincides with the floor plan of the US where the borders are not drawn along ethnic lines.

...The US had no such floor plan. The US has several things it says when it needs hook people like you...ask several who`ve received those promises before. If you`re talking about borders, then borders define countries and Iraq is defined by its borders..all of them, that enclose the Iraqi`ll just have to take your chances like Africans have done for centuries. They can`t get a self-administered region either..the only ones who got one were also Natives of the land..and they live in dusty hellholes called Reservations...where there is no il or anything else of value that the majority is hardly going to give away..when it can`t be obtained by any other means anyway.

We are not seeking an Assyrian name for the Assyrian Triangle Region, what we are seeking is that Assyrians rule the Assyrian triangle region irrespective of who is the population mix made from and irrespective of their percentage. can ask each other and propose to each pther and demand of each other and reason with each other all you want to. Who stops you or ever did? What you won`t see happen is anything come of it all.

In return, Arabs Kurds and Turkomen will be given the right to rule other parts of Iraq irrespective of the population mix and irrespective of their own ethnic percentage.

...that`s a recipe for is not a coherent State with any chance to get anything done. You can ALL go to hell...or become Iraqi citizens of various backgrounds and religions, just like the United States and Britain...

This is how you establish a coherent Iraq, where each ethnic group is given a certain job, and in return works for the benefit of all the communities they rule. And the over all good will reflect on all the Iraqi population. are such an ass that you`re endearing..sort of like a dumb beast or jungle bunny.

If Assyrians of other regions want to move into that Assyrian Triangle region, that is fine and they will be welcome, and if not, they can live in the balance of Iraq, in other regions ruled by Arabs, Kurds or Turkomen. It will be their free choice.

...this is by way of saying the rest of the people in your triangle can get the hell out if they don`t like being rules by you jackasses.

The other proposed map that you are talking about is seeking a region where Assyrians constituting a majority, in other words that map is drawn along ethnic lines, and that is automatically rejected by the US based on its ground rules set for Iraq. It is a waste of time perusing a mirage that is going to be aborted before seeing the light. mirage is worthwhile. You mean your sect deserves more support than the other sects because your sect has a better looking mirage.

If you are seeking regions with numbers there are more Assyrians outside Iraq, why don't you ask for a self governing region in Diaspora? The answer is that you are not entitled for it because those lands were never historically Assyrian. That brings us back to the essence of what to ask for, and that is the heartland of Assyria which is the Assyrian Triangle. are not Assyrians..and you aren`t even good of you to ask for a part of Iraq. There are no directs descendants of any Assyrians. You are a sect of a sect of a minority of Christians who decided all on your own that Christains are the original have no proof of that at all and no basis to make any of these claims...and everyone knows it.

In order to understand my point; The Assyrian Triangle is like the wife of Assyrians, and the other region that you are talking about is like the girl friend, and no one should leave his wife in the hands of strangers and chase after a strange girl friend.

...oh jeeez!

If you guys had already divorced the Assyrian-Triangle, I haven't!

...bright, ain`t he? And funny too. Thus our bigges fools and also our best heroes and patriots..and look at where they`ve reached.

I believe that anything that you can visualize set you mind on, you can achieve. Believe in the Assyrian-Triangle, and the Assyrian-Triangle will materialize.

...tell it to the Marines..literally.

Hanna Hajjar


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