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=> can you make sense of this...?

can you make sense of this...?
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Sunday, June 13 2004, 15:56:17 (CEST)
from Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

Recalling Jassim`s list of atrocities done by Muslims...considering the horror stories they tell of how Iraqis hate Assyrians...of how they`ve been massacreed for centuries for "thousands of years" when Islam is barely 1300 years old...and has NEVER made a habit of killing Christians JUST BECAUSE they were Christians..after all the invective hurled at the dominant majority surrounding this Christian minority on all sides..and especially now, after this latest bloody Crusade also fought under spurious pretexts...after demanding and insisting that America would bring hallowed DEMOCRACY to Iraq and that this would FREE all Christians finally and allow them the milk, honey and petroleum they deserve...they come now demanding a traingle for themselves from the very same people they labelled every sort of monster imagineable.

How will they get it? Do they hope still that the Brits or Americans will seize it and hand it over to them? Can they be that silly? Foolish question. Do they think a Democracy means that boys get what they want? Isn`t a democracy a place where the majority rules? Isn`t Iraq made up of a majority of Muslims..the same Muslims the boys said are monsters who can never be trusted..who`ve been out for Christianblood for centuries? Do they think the Muslims will vote democractically to turn over any triangle of THEIR land to a Christian minority that`s been so damn insulting to them and their religion and that has helped cheer on and pay for the war waged against Iraqis in which a half million of their children were starved to death?

Of COURSE they don`t believe it! They know damn well nothing will come of any of this...that is positive except in the way they define the word. To the boys a "positive" development would be a massacre of the Christians left in Iraq(by the Muslims, of course, for should the United States accidentally or even deliberately kill every Christian relative of theirs in Iraq they wouldn`t say a word for fear of losing the friendship of their killers and their status as the "Littlest Ally" of those who murder their own people)...for that would bolster their "strategy" of getting people to feel sorry for them. The boys are using these triangles and calls for a Christian militia as a means of getting people to UNTITTY with them now...that`s all. They know that no democratic election in Iraq is going to give them a damn thing...SURPRISE!!!

The purpose to all this "triangle building" is to get other Christians siding with them in greater when their shit hits their fan they can go to blaming OTHER sect members who refused to join them with "Losing ASSRIA"!

That`s it and that`s all.


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