cry me a river... |
Posted by
- Thursday, June 17 2004, 19:24:52 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
...all the people of Iraq are the descendants of the older civilizations..religion doesn`t change that...neither does immigration. Now that Muslim Assyrians have been weeping and wailing for years...asking the world to intervene on their behalf and stop the cruel slaughter of their children and the systematic rape of their it`s going to be the Christians`turn..though they suffered right along with the rest of the people of Iraq all this time..but now they`ll know what it feels like to be singled receive no arouse no "special" interest in anyone`s not be likely objects for intervention by a world gone mad. Their special days of agony are to come...and the boys will use that and seek to benefit by it. This is one of the most shameful chapters in a history not filled with greatness but with petty malice exalted into a National Agenda. It is disgusting. --------------------- |
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