cut a head, or burn it off... |
Posted by
- Thursday, July 1 2004, 5:49:29 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
..what`s the big difference? Prisoner in 'Thin Blue Line' to Be Killed (AP) - A man whose false testimony sent an innocent man to death row before the 1988 documentary "The Thin Blue Line" cast doubt on the evidence faced execution Wednesday for an unrelated murder. David Ray Harris, 43, was sentenced to death for a 1985 shootout that killed Mark Mays after Harris tried to abduct the victim's girlfriend. He could be the 10th Texas inmate executed this year. ...can only the United States execute criminals? Can only the United States punish its soldeirs in Iraq? Can no Iraqi punish an American soldier? Aren`t Americans punishng Iraqi Freedom Fighters? To the Iraqis the United States is in their country illegally...there was no justification for the war...besides lies and a desire to steal their oil...if someone breaks into your house and you catch him raping your wife, for "information", you are allowed to kill him in every country in the world...The enclave of Rome too. That`s inernational law and it`s the law of every land. To the Iraqi people the Americans have broken and entered their country and homes..and they have been attacking their children by remote control for over a decade..enough is enough...when they came barging into the country as well, Iraqis decided to treat them like the criminals they the Nazis were treted by America at Neuremburg for breaking and entering Poland and the rest. And just as Bush claims terrorists aren`t covered by too State Terrorists are covered by war you summarily execute, or sodomize, at will. The Americans have a shoot to kill policy that extends to firing on groups of children throwing rocks...if one dies, tough shit. The Iraqis have an American prisoner...they have every right to exact what they call justice..military justice Iraqi they are subject to military justice American style..we`re talking about a matter of style, differences in culture that`s all. The way America executes prisoners at home isn`t isn`t even legal and it isn`t moral or right. makes a lot of sense to say you`re going teach our children that killing is killing. In Florida they called their elctric chair "Old Smokey" because as often as not a man`s head would burst into flames..the gas chamber isn`t kind, neither was hanging by the neck..neither is lethal which a doctor becomes the hangman. Dead is dead. It`s unbecomming to try so hard to make the other guy out to be a brute when we execute mental retards. Why don`t we all make a more killing of ANY kind...and anyone who does kill, for whatever reason...gets killed...and that would include the civillians who provide the guns and ammo. We`re either all responsible or no one is. No one`s hands are one has a better way to kill. It`s ALL inhumane. We`re just used to the ways we kill. No Muslim country has EVER decalred a policy of starving to death children..or is that the okay American way now? --------------------- |
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