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=> defending minorities...

defending minorities...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Thursday, July 8 2004, 16:18:08 (CEST)
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...come to think of there are provisions for protecting minorities in our Constitution. They aren`t actually written into it but they`re there in the guarantees given to all just took some fine tuning to define "citizen". The Founding Fathers never thought to include protection and equal legal rights to Slaves, Mexicans, Asians, Arabs, Muslims, Transvestites or Gay Marriage when they wrote that document...which is the reason it`s so powerful and effective, doesn`t place any limits at all on theory every minority you can think of, that intends no harm to ohers, I mean REAL harm, not giving opponents the vapors...can sue for it`s rights under the equal protection clause..if white Christians can get their religion funded then Muslim Americans can too...unless you can convince Americans that Muslims are all a danger to America..meaning they compete for followers on an equal footing.

Pity the White Protestant who`s had to sit and watch while all his pet beliefs were upset by the Constitution one by one. Women`s rights, Civil Rights, anti-trust legislation, environmental protection, consumer rights, Gay rights, sodomy rights...reduced Christian they see it, when all it meant was that we caught their hand in the cookie jar one too many times and merely want them to obey the law..which they naturally call DISCRIMINATION. All these changes in customs and habits and expectations the white Protestant/Puritan majority took for granted have been made possible by George Washington, Thomas Jesfferson, James Madison, the Adams family and all those "liberal" Kooks and Kommies.

How to fight back? They`ve taken their white expectations and made those "America"...and anyone not playing along was un-American. To disagree with Billy Graham is to be NOT American. To not agree to the trashing of the Constitution to go after suspected Communist fellow travelers in the United States made you un-American and though they never found a single card-carrying member, they DID manage to sneak "under god" into the Pledge of Allegence" because God is the best place for scoundrels to hide...they understand each ther perfectly. They ran roughshod over the rest of us Americans for two decades at least, robbing our Treasury and natural resources and incomes because they happened to be thieves who were "godly" and anti-Communist and the played up the dangers that Cuba and Grenada posed to us so they could get into office and "protect" us when all they were doing was ripping us off and enriching themselves till today when children are left to raise themselves because both parents have to work non-stop to make less money than ONE did 40 years ago.

But then the first Evil Empire collapsed...some Evil!...and there was a Peace Scare...and with that came calls for accountability, a shift in priorities and the slow realization that we`ve been monumentally HAD for decades might begin to take hold of people and what about all those profitable weapons when your widgets don`t where oh where does the next Evil Empire or Axle come from?`s those EVIl Muslims and those Terrorists who just like to blow themselves and others up cause Muslims are "just like that"...and we`re off an running only we needed a good attack and BINGO there it was and Bush was enobled and annointed and we went broke and are now in debt signing blank check after check to be protected all over again, when it was our bastards who created and then milked the threat all along..and they`re getting more of what they got in the 60s...they`ve got a perpetual enemy even better and all encompassing and omnipresent than rice farmers ever were...they`ve got a populace that ACTUALLY got attacked...and they`ve hired God again to cover their tracks while they rip off our Treasury some more awarding contracts to destroy and rebuild all over the world that will soon send our children out to work so a family of three can survive in "envy".

It`s beautiful..really it is. In no other way could they set their sights and shoot at their real target..which has been this damned blessed Constitution which has been the ONLY means for protecting all of us and our minorities from standing a chance at an equal shot at dignity and legal protection. This is the Protestant White Man`s best chance at regaining his supremacy over the rest of us and god will help him do it...because they`re cut from the same rag.


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