The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> dictatorships

Posted by parhad (Guest) - Monday, June 21 2004, 2:11:01 (CEST)
from Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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they always ban and delete, the consign people to hell and prison merely for disagreeing with them...they exile people to Somalia and anywhere else they feel like it...

You can tell a free place because it doesn`t do any of that..because it allows even an Andreas the freedom to slime the Beastmaster/dictator...all the boys and their cousins are free as birds to come and go as they please, depositing their little droppings of learning or wisdom or even of FACTS and PROOVES.

But they don`t. They know better. Because there`s something else about Freedom they can`t handle, aren`t used to and can`t gives everyone the same right.

At Petey`s thingie you have to be approved of first...and Aprim wants a password so only like-minded people can discourse "freely". That ain`t`s control...that tries to put Fronts on.

In all these years we`ve fought like hell to confront them..and they`ve fought like hell to avoid it...they`ll say it`s because they`re too busy, have really important things to do etc..but that isn`t true...Dictatorships also lie profusely, they have to.

Each and every one of them gave it their best shot...they tried all their prooves and dicheaded facts on us and we shot each one down as easily as Assyrians batted down bent Hebrew arrows. It was only when their entire prooves went up in smoke and mush that they got too busy and didn`t have time to waste...ohhow they would LOVE to waste us, if they could. They even found some champions here and there and sent them out to do battle and each of them ran crying home to Mother saying they too were very busy and besides we wouldn`t agree with them.

They tried their best and none of it worked..which is the main reason you won`t find them administering anything where they don`t pay first.

We`re still here..still open to challenge on the issues...ideology too...hell, we even drag them over in hopes they`ll stump us..but it hasn`t happened yet...and many of them have retired from the fray entirely, or gone where the walls are even higher and the air more they can tell the world what they demand and deserve.

Any doubt out there that these CAN`T be Assyrians?


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