dirty words of Tiglath... |
Posted by
- Sunday, July 4 2004, 19:21:46 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
..they`ll get him for sure now..he`s being vulgar. He mentions "common sense" iin this latest question...can banning be far away? Question 4. The Assyrian Triangle -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beth Suryoyo Assyrian (Othuroyo) Forum -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Written by Tiglath on 04 Jul 2004 17:10:08: My question will require common sense. And I ask that people either avoid this as you have done most of my other questions or answer as honestly as possible. Will the Assyrian triangle be Democratic? ..let`s see. What can they say? I mean besides calling Tiglath names...dragging out musty corpses and proooves from 789 years ago and telling him he`s hurting his father,....when they are sliming the son of the father. ...If they try to answer honestly they`ll gag. Let`s also see if Jassim and Frank Jones will wander over,. as they do whenever there`s another Christian killed by a Muslim. Wonder how long it will take Hanna, sitting at a keyboprad and typing for eternity to come up with a garbled answer..like any ape producing Shakespeare at random , if only you give him Eternity to try. Let`s see what happens...any bets? --------------------- |
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