The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> dirty words of Tiglath...

dirty words of Tiglath...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Sunday, July 4 2004, 19:21:46 (CEST)
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..they`ll get him for sure now..he`s being vulgar. He mentions "common sense" iin this latest question...can banning be far away?

Question 4. The Assyrian Triangle


Beth Suryoyo Assyrian (Othuroyo) Forum


Written by Tiglath on 04 Jul 2004 17:10:08:

My question will require common sense. And I ask that people either avoid this as you have done most of my other questions or answer as honestly as possible.

Will the Assyrian triangle be Democratic?

..let`s see. What can they say? I mean besides calling Tiglath names...dragging out musty corpses and proooves from 789 years ago and telling him he`s hurting his father,....when they are sliming the son of the father.

...If they try to answer honestly they`ll gag. Let`s also see if Jassim and Frank Jones will wander over,. as they do whenever there`s another Christian killed by a Muslim. Wonder how long it will take Hanna, sitting at a keyboprad and typing for eternity to come up with a garbled any ape producing Shakespeare at random , if only you give him Eternity to try. Let`s see what happens...any bets?


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