The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> ditziness grows and grows

ditziness grows and grows
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Wednesday, June 23 2004, 15:58:24 (CEST)
from Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

Re: The Special Electoral Commission for the Iraqi National Conference

Posted By: Ninos (
Date: Tuesday, 22 June 2004, at 2:39 p.m.

In Response To: The Special Electoral Commission for the Iraqi National Conference (Fred Aprim)

Thats crap. As a 10 percent voting population, the Assyrians should have at least 10 people in the The Special Electoral Commission for the Iraqi National Conference. there`s any justice anywhere...Bush wasn`t democratically elected president either..but there he is.

I think Assyrians should stop translating, stop fighting, and all out stop supporting the Allies in Iraq until we have adequete represenation and rights.

...and who will hand them to you if your dear friends the American Christians won`t?

This is no longer our war.

...imagine how thrilled Christians in Iraq will be when Muslims in Iraq read, it was your war as well? And you wonder?

We need to protect our own (period). That's it.. Assyria for Assyrians and Assyrians for Assyria.. No longer Assyrians for Iraq!!!!!!!!!!!111`s never been Christians for Iraq...and they know it. They`ve taken the wisest step..the one forced on them by you..they`ve made you in charge of "GET OUT"!! If you`re not for Iraq then LEAVE..that`s what they tell Americans who disagree..never mind conducting "their" war against America...


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