...don`t understand... |
Posted by
- Monday, June 21 2004, 16:09:13 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
They have a South Korean hostage and they`re threatening to chop his head off...so? What`s the big deal? Are we supposed to be choosey in our outrage? Well, yes. That`s the whole point. We`re supposed to only get outraged on cue...we`re pointed at that dead person and told he had it coming..then we`re pointed at another one and told that was a crime. It makes people dizzy and that`s just what they are...they`ll drool when told to. The South Korean hostage worked for a company "supplying the U.S. Army". Okay...take off your self-righteous halos for a moment and think in equaivalents...think of a Muslim army attacking New York (look at the indiscriminate rage unleashed at the world and ourselves by ONE attack)...they`re occupying Manhattan, rounding up American Christians and raping and torturing them...taking photos in which they make thumbs up signs alongside American corpses, people obviously beaten to death etc. The New Yorkers capture a South Korean who works for a company that supplies the Muslim army..whether he supplies them with eggs or whips matters little...his company makes it possible for the Muslims to be in New York...and they need whips AND eggs to be there at all...so the South Korean is a part of the enemy military establishment. How do you suppose New Yorkers will view the man? Might they not demand the South Koreans stop helping the Muslim army attack and occupy New York...killing thousands of Americans? No?. I`ve lived in New York...those people would cut his head, hands and dick off...if they didn`t just tear him limb from limb. 19 Saudis attacked new York and killed 3000 Americans..that`s not even the number of dead children A MONTH we`ve been killing through Sanctions..for 14 YEARS! If the Saudis could place Sanctions against New York...they would have loved to do it I`m sure..that way they could say, "we aren`t killing your children, it`s your leader`s fault because he won`t obey us". But, they couldn`t even afford to buy their own airplanes...so they haven`t much power or resources. Yet America took that attack by NINETEEN Saudis as blanket permission to go anywhere in the MidEast and kill anybody...no questions asked...no nothing. Is it SO unreasonable for Iraqis to want the Americans out of their country and their wives` privates? Is it so unusual to hold a hostage? Weren`t all those parents of dying Iraqi children being asked to go overthrow Saddam...weren`t things to be made so hard for them they`d just HAVE to go topple the world`s greatest tyrant "since Hitler"..with their bare hands? Weren`t their children`s lives HELD HOSTAGE? This is all brutal stuff...but I`ll be damned if I`m going to give myself a lobotomy just so I can go along with the mob of the moment. No country will benefit for long from having stupid citizens. America has no business being in Iraq and any country aiding in this illegal war and occupation is a criminal in the eyes of Iraqis..where`s the surprise? The real surprise is how easily and tamely the rest of us took this...and the bigger surprise will be when they come gunning for whomever they please next...for WE gave them the okay to one day target us...if they see as much "need" as they did in targetting Iraq...and who will say them nay? --------------------- |
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