The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> done

Posted by parhad (Guest) - Friday, June 11 2004, 23:35:21 (CEST)
from - - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title: sooner do I write that the boys haven`t added anything in two days...some posts appear fully supporting Hannabanana`s proposal...Hanna used to work at a company that fell on hard times..hearing that the newest ones hired were to be let go first but that a Kurd an "Arab" and a Manaical Turk would be kept on...Hanna decided to sabotage the entire company..."if I can`t have a job"...logicked Hanna..."then no one works... and the people who needed the bandages my former company made can just do without..let them learn what happens to people who oppose the great Assyrians." here`s some more support for Hannabanana`s proposal to give himself Iraq.

Re: proposed Assyrian administrative region

Posted By: Assyrica (
Date: Thursday, 10 June 2004, at 6:23 p.m.

In Response To: Re: proposed Assyrian administrative region (Hanna Hajjar)`ll notice that regardless of any chance of getting such a one has even hinted about what a self-administered region does in a sovereign nation. Black slaves didn`t even get the forty acres and a mule the same government Hannabanna thinks will help him, promised them after the Civil War. Do you suppose America would have countenanced a self-administered Black region in its midst? What are the boys talking about?...that they haven`t even bothered to if they already know they won`t get why bother fleshing it out?

Dear Hanna
Your writings are very interesting and logical.

...another challenged kid.

For your writings to be put into action you would need organizational backing.
I don't know if you belong to any organization but if you do not I suggest that you start putting your thinking into action.

...that`s ALL it takes? Assrians don`t act..they don`t even think...they have great "faith" in their "dreams". That`s enough for any Christian surely...

Some people, myself included, may believe that there are already too many organizations associated with the Assyrian affairs; but as the situations stands as of now I believe there is a need for a fresh approach to our problems.

...oh THIS is fresh all right. No one has EVER suggested we be given Iraq...or a corner of it. And I like the idea of ruining it for the Kurds..who will no doubt go visit the rest of those poor bastards back there, in their villages or under trees and thank them..personally..and warmly. Do you boys maybe dislike those of you who stayed behind...and didn`t diaspora in their pants?

There are a lot of inteligent people that post on this and other Forums that can help you.

...a sense of humor will always stand you in good stead.

Not only in U.S of A but globally.
As you said, perhaps, the way we are spread all over the world may in effect be to our advantage to reach our goal.

...but but but...just yesterday you were all crying and saying that this one thing..your diasporas, were causing you to lose sleep. Your only goal seems to be to play the part of spoiler which, I`ll admit you do so well. I mean if not for this strategy there`d be a Shumirum Monument in Chicago these last 4 years...thank Jesus you all came together to save us from that. Of course you haven`t one to put in its forgot that little detail..but then you don`t want one...nothing should get in the way of hannabanana`s tatoo parlor where you can have Jesus written all over your arse.

Even a single Assyrian far away from any Assyrian community be it in the Highlands of Scotland or the Bushes in South Africa can help in this goal.
Give it a try.

...give what a try? You`ve been asking for the homes and countries of other people for years now...not because you think it will work but because it keeps you from having to actualñly DO something yourselves...what`s Hanna supposed to do? You think maybe the AUA can help? They`re best at lost causes no one wants or expects to see anything come from...or maybe a new made up of whom? You?

"Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained" got that right...I suppose ruining it for others is something ventured?


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