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=> dumb canadians...

dumb canadians...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Monday, July 12 2004, 17:52:30 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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Assyrians demonstrating at Queen’s Park, Toronto - Aug 7th


Beth Suryoyo Assyrian (Othuroyo) Forum


Written by Canada/Assyrians on 12 Jul 2004 12:13:21:

Assyrians demonstrating at Queen’s Park, Toronto - Aug 7th


The time is here, the time has come, it’s the calling for Assyrian Canadians to unite to show the world the atrocities endured by the Assyrian nation. are not are not a nation. You are Christian sects divided among MidEastern Muslim countries who`re pissed that Christ was shown to the door but more pissed that your brothers and sisters rejected your Jew god for Muhammad...the proof of that is that you will not be memorializing the 27,000 Christian children your fellow Christians and Masters killed...but ony those watsed by Muslims..this is a religious thing pure and simple which you are trying to to dress up and disguise as a national/poltical fool no one.

If you were truly interested in dead Christians you claim are Assyrians then ALL dead Assyrian Christians would be of equal importance...but they are not all equally do not serve a "nation" or you would represent all of its do not represent Assyrians or you wouldl honor all the ones killed regardless of their religion, you do not speak for all Assyrians because you will speak of those killed by your fellow Christians, because you want to keep that ugly little fact away from the public at are not Assyrins because you impose a religious litmus test on a People who never HEARD of Christian or Muslim but knew those old rascals, the Jews, only too well.

Assyrian Canadians are demonstrating at Queen’s Park (Toronto) on Saturday August 7th 2004 from 12-6 pm to remember the Assyrian martyrs who have fallen for their nation.

..they fell for no nation..they were killed. And you will not be remembering all of do you suppose the parents of 27,000 murdered Assyrian children feel when they see you skip over their tragic losses, because your fellow Christians, whom you work for, killed you suppose you convince them, your own Christian people, that you`re crying for ALL dead Assyrians?

...It`s you yourselves who make a mockery of your ridiculous yourselves who show how deceitful you us all that you`re merely Christian apologists willing to work for ANY Christians who`ll kill your own Muslim Assyrians over your RELIGIONS...YOU prove you are no Assyrians by not treating dead Assyrians fact you could know Majdolion personally..and had she been attacked by Muslims she could have counted on at least being mentioned..but even when she`s a friend and maybe family member..your sorrow and outrage at seeing her attacked and blinded, her two babies killed, by Christians, flies out the window...Christians whom you kiss up to and court favors from and accept money from to kill your own people..when you learn that a Christian killed your drop that "friend" from your list of "dear martyrs"..being killed by a Christian, or tortuted by one, wipes that person off of any list of "tragic Assyrians" don`t tell us you represent Assyrians...for not even all Christian Assyrians, never mind our Muslim brothers and sisters, are equally dear to you...the ONLY thing that calls to you 100% is being Christian and the only thing you do with it is urge and help pay for religious retaliation and war and bloodshed against your own people...there is NO good excuse to wish for an American`s death because he is of a different religion..but to you any Assyrian who is not Christian may as well be dead, in fact it would suit you if he or ahe WAS killed..and your own Christian Assyrians who get killed as collateral damage in this mad rush to kill every Muslim Assyrian that can be hunted down, don`t count any longer the minute a "wrong" bullet hits them.

This is Assyrian?

Thousands of people are expected to come to this event.

...they always are...if 200 show up you`ll be say thousands in hopes of tricking people into coming to see if such a thing will happen...

If you are unaware of the Assyrian history, Assyrians were massacred and acts of genocide were committed against our people for their religious beliefs and ethnicity on many occasions. It’s time to inform the world and it’s time to show that the Assyrians of today will not forget the horrors of the past.

..that`s not true at all...these are the lies put out by your Church...the incidents which actually ocurred were all due to either world events which claimed millions of lives when Christians brought TWO World Wars down on everyone`s heads..or as a result of meddling in the MidEast in which a portion of the Christian population threw their lot in with the foreign Christians atacking Iraq and made everyone else suffer for it. At no time have Assyrians been hated for being Assyrians or for being Christians as many thousands of Christians have lived and worked and done just fine in Iraq..

The retaliation came as a direct result of the acts of treachery village Assyrians were induced to commit by the hope that their priests put in them that foreign Christians would surely protect them and give them "their" country back. Many minoroties the world over have suffered persecution far far worse than what the Christians in the MidEast did..yet none of them called for foreign countries to attack their homelands to rescuse them and if they had, as the Christians worked for the British then and now for the Americans who attack and kill their countries..then they would be seen as traitors and could expect what the Christian Assyrians`s no puzzle or mystery and certainly no overwhelming "injustice" that drove Muslim Iraqis to seek the same revenge and retribution against traitors among them than any other country would take.

You people are merely opportunists attemtping to steal something that in no way belongs to you on the backs of the tragically murdred victims of a series of Christians Crusades against the MidEast, in which some Christian Assyrians through their perfidy and deceit and violence brought ruin on the rest of their community. That and a desire to get some recognition by rubbing your wounds raw and keeping your children the objects of pity.

“Unite we stand,Divided we fall”
“IT'S TIME TO STAND” should have thought of that before you agreed to be divided from Ashur under whose leadership and inspiration you were one people, even when made of several others...and changed over to a god and religion that has been dividing and dividing and dividing until there`s nothing but a bunch of weak and petty sects of the same religion all at each other`s throats with each of you calling for a unity you`ll never again have.

It`s too late for these tricks and games to work...the rebirth of an Assyrian consciousness and NOT a "nation", among all our people, without demanding that they do this or that to suit a Christian sect with delusions of grandeur, will be the new direction we`ll take in the ages to come.

Your day is`ve just been dying a lingering know it and we know it and in time everyone else will too.


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