dummies unite |
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- Monday, July 5 2004, 17:23:22 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
Re: Psalm 137:8-9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beth Suryoyo Assyrian (Othuroyo) Forum -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Written by GS on 05 Jul 2004 04:52:24: As an answer to: Psalm 137:8-9 written by Tiglath on 05 Jul 2004 04:20:05: "A pagan is someone who doesn't believe in a God I do I just choose to call him Ashur." Correction my friend...Pagans does have a form of god-goddess worship(emphasis) on small case g). You might be worshipping a pagan god. ...well what do you think a Jew would tell an Assyrian? It was the Jews who first gave a hint of what this universal god of theirs would do..the first they did upon discovering Yahwe under a cowpie was to turn on their own people...Jew killing Jew for refusing to accept this "universal" god. Has it ever made you wonder why you have to kill people to get them to accept a god? Especially when they patiently and devotedly created one of their own they were very happy with? Doesn`t that give you a clue that far from being the creator of everybody he is the excuse by which a passle of people force their will on others, who want no part of it? That`s how come you people can kill our people today and hate their guts for not accepting your Christ..this murdrous intolerance is as foreign to BetNahrain and our traditions as Jesus Christ was..and remains. Clealy the people of BetNahrain voted long ago..and Christ lost...however he lost, he lost..and your trying to impose him or kill everybody is indeed very Hebrew of you..but hardly Assyrian. You Christians have three gods..you just shmoosh them into one whenever someone asks you how it can be that you are one god people with three...then you dance around some more when we ask how come you revere idols...a question that the Protestant Reformation asked...how come you pray to little wooden dummmies whom you swear work miracles...why do you make a Queen of Heaven out of a Jew woman? Why do you have 3000 little dummies all responsible for some branch of nonsense, you kneel and worship..and how come St John The Baptist has fourteen big toes on display all over Europe and that`s just from ONE FOOT? And this is a serious religion...far better than silly old Ashur? Apparently, whatever inspiration he provided everyone back then..he inspired the Assyrians to create magic...what were the Hebrews doing under their god`s inspiration but making war on each other..for he is s "jealous God"...and Christ was the son of this same god...no matter how you bluff and huff and yap...there is no second god Jesus was born of...it was Yahwe and the fucker doesn`t change at all from one Testicle to the other..in fact he finally gets his way..he finally get his dear son executed in a most brutal fashion..far more brutal than a mere beheading...at least in his Old Testicle mode he relented and Issac and Ishmael were spared...but not Jesus...he finally got a son killed...didn`t pull back...went right ahead..and why? To cover up for his own fuck ups again..like he tried to drown us all before that because the bastard can`t get anything right..even as the only and most omnipotent god...and look at what the Hebrews "achieved" under his guidance..go into any museum in Israel and see if you can tell the displays from the contents of any waste basket..then go to Baghdad and see what people make when they are truly touched by divinity..then look in the mirror and you`ll see a Jew...not an Assyrian. --------------------- |
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