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- Tuesday, June 22 2004, 22:33:25 (CEST) from Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
..and this is the part religion plays..especially monotheism which, strangely enough is what the killers call themselves...I told you. The Romans picked up on Christ for the same reason..once you identify yourself as the good guys on the side of the ONLY god and one of Love, no less...that makes everyone else Evil. Once you tag them with that name you can do anything to them you want to...because in defense of Evil..the Law just isn`t enough...it sure as shit isn`t any more..not with Bush showing everyone how to break it and remould it suit your purposes. We`ve told everyone Islam is Evil...then we took it back a little..but we`ve kept it up through code. All TV will show is wailing and yapping Muslims..it`s like going to Appalachia or inside a prison where the most Christian Aryan Brotherhood sits brooding and call them typical of all Christians. You don`t have to SAY anything...just keep showing them and ONLY them while you talk about Christianity..people will get the hint. The Nazis did the sa,e thing...talked about Jews while showing pictures of rats and who knows what degenerates they got from where as typical. These are old tricks..and we`re going to pay those same old prices all over again. Just how the Iraqi people came to pay for Saddam is a mystery, since they never freely elected him..as we kept telling the world. So why did we have to starve their children to get them to remove him from power? Is that something civilized people do? Because if it is, then welcome to beheadings. --------------------- |
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