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=> flailing while you drown...

flailing while you drown...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Monday, July 5 2004, 6:18:12 (CEST)
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Website title:

Ezekiel 23:25


Beth Suryoyo Assyrian (Othuroyo) Forum


Written by Assyrian on 05 Jul 2004 01:38:03:

As an answer to: Re: Christian Greeks and Christian Assyrians written by Tiglath on 04 Jul 2004 16:56:44:

You're an imbecile.

...and you`re a`re also a coward who doesn`t have the courage of his`re the one using the name "Assyrian while you quote and defend Jews..we`re the Assyrians recapturing a respect for our own God...

You keep bringing up this Psalm about "Babylonian children" (the same people who destroyed Assyria) as an excuse, saying this religion should be anathema to us. You still have yet to explain Ezekiel 23:25-49

...Assyria also destroyed Babylon..and rebuilt it...Assyrians came from Babylon origianlly, contrary to whay you think they didn`t pop out of the sand like fungi...Ashurbanipal`s brother was king of Babylon...the people mingled freely and like all families and nations they hated each other and fought at boys really should read something besides Jewish history when you`re trying to make your prooves.

...we were ALL one people coming closer and closer...people fight among each other, they always have and they always will..but they intermarry and rule each other least back then they did. There was a lot more affinity between Babylonians and Assyrians, who shared and respected every aspect of their lives ..than there EVER was between Hebrews and Assyrians or Babylonians..except we tried to educate the little bastards and gave them what culture they had..which they couldn`t help but fuck up..just like you`ve been fucking with Assyrian culture and turning into a Jewish closing act.

Using your ridiculous logic, the Old Testament should be anathema to the Jews as well, because of Ezekiel 23:25:

..that`s their problem. If they want to believe their god loves them most when he sends them bugs to eat and adores them when others are slaughtering them and believing he`s a god of perfectlove when he demands a death worse than beheading for his darling son..that`s their hang up...having made a virtue of getting the shit kicked out of themselves and dragged off every which way...Assyrians never believed in such a god and they never will...we were used to succeeding under our God`s guidance..not begging for rockets from space carrying a Messish to get us out of the mess we made of a Jerusalem..we had Nineveh..we had BetNahrain, we HAD heaven on earth...didn`t have to wait, didn`t have to grovel and crawl the way you still do..we didn`t need heavenly hosts to fight our battles, we had our own glorious hosts and we did it ourselves and did just fine..and we didn`t need a Jew Messiah or any Messiah to come save us...but we got`s the law of nature..after centuries of nursing art and learning and culture and what the world still calls the Cradle of Civilization...we wore ourselves out and retired...only to come back yet again under the banner of Islam and create yet another glorious empire that took BetNahrain round the world and saved classical and modern Leraning for all to enjoy.

"(Speaking of Jerusalem) And I will set my jealousy against thee, and they (the Chaldeans and the Assyrians) shall deal furiously with thee: they shall take away thy nose and thine ears; and thy remnant shall fall by the sword: they shall take thy sons and thy daughters; and thy residue shall be devoured by the fire."`ve got some nerve quoting a Jew book to Assyrians. What business is it of ours what that sick Fuck did to his people? We`re talking about what Ashur achieved for his people...a record the world still takes note of and is in awe of while they can`t even find you or give a shit for the nothing you produced in 2000 years under Yahwe`s "guidance". You`re so fucking proud to be USED by a Jew god you can barely contain yourself for joy...


"And they shall deal with thee hatefully, and shall take away all thy labour, and shall leave thee naked and bare: and the nakedness of thy whoredoms shall be discovered, both thy lewdness and thy whoredoms."

...that`s still none of our concern...if that`s the way they wanted to rationalize getting trounced by us regularly as we collected royalties they refused to pay on their own for plagerizing our culture...claiming their god WANTED the Assyrians to come kick the shit out of them..okay, let them..but we were never for hire to do Yahwe`s dirty work...we weren`t his Hit Men and we weren`t his Nannies or his Baby Sitters..that`s just their way of saying, "we really did it to ourselves" any kid would.


"For thus saith the Lord GOD; I will bring up a company upon them, and will give them to be removed and spoiled. And the company shall stone them with stones, and dispatch them with their swords; they shall slay their sons and their daughters, and burn up their houses with fire. Thus will I cause lewdness to cease out of the land, that all women may be taught not to do after your lewdness. And they shall recompense your lewdness upon you, and ye shall bear the sins of your idols: and ye shall know that I am the Lord GOD."

...he isn`t our god..he isn`t the god of over half the people on earth..people who`ve been subjected to his worshippers often enough and want no part of him or them. You were mind fucked at birth and your ancestors were rat fucked by the Romans who wiped out all the cultures and religions they ever came in contact with to impose their own State Religion..usually on the slaves they made for Rome..and as the children of slaves you still choose to go on believing you chose this drivel on your own..go ahead, who needs you.

Screw you. You have absolutely no credibility here. Go back to your pagan forum where your 2 or 3 fans can adore your ridiculous logic.

..Is that what you`ll tell people you don`t agree with and can`t argue with without insulting them personally when YOU have a Triangle? is this a previerw of what kind of police state you`d run...and call it a democracy you call these private message boards "Forums"?

Why don`t you stick to the point..and stop quoting the already discredited Jewish propaganda you`re claiming is the "same as Ashur or better"? Stick to the question...why are your priests still singing this Psalm, in ASSYRIAN...NOT Babylonian, to us at all? Address that point. You mean if you saw a Jew about to dash the brains out of a Babylonian kid, you`d nothing because he was Babylonian? And I suppose you`d rush to save a Jewish kid..right?...and that segues nicely into Tiglath`s other question, which you wits have yet to even address...How do you know YOU aren`t Babylonian? How come all the Babylonians disappeared from history..even though they defeated and supposedly wiped out the Assyrians? Where are they all since they lasted farther into the modern era...way after the Assyrians lost their empire? How is it ALL of them disappeared but YOU know only pure Assyrians survived...and that YOU are one of them?

The answer is, you don`t...which gives you a hint about your own credibility..especially as you keep quaoting a jew history book to us. Whassmatter...Assyrian history not good enough for you?

Or too good?


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