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=> foreign bullshit

foreign bullshit
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Tuesday, July 6 2004, 0:22:52 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

Add Top Stories - Reuters to My Yahoo!

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Foreign Muslim militants from across the Arab world have appeared in a chilling video tape which claimed they carried out some of the bloodiest bombings in Iraq (news - web sites) since the war ended. was the attack for 14 years against Iraq and the murder of a half million of their children by foreigners, that placed a big chill in Iraqi hearts...who came to Iraq against all International Law to the tune of 150,000 bringing with them more military hardware with which they`ve been killing Iraqi citizens for a year now that INSPIRED Muslim foreigners...who feel the United States...acting as an international criminal...could attack their countries and children at will anytime it chooses to lie some was the Foreign United States intervening illegally in Iraq that brought these "foreigners"...who have been nowhere near as brutal and inhumane and bloody as the Iraq in the first place. Had they never one would have needed to come fight them in Iraq...because "why wait till they show up in your bedroom"...right, Buttcroft?

I swear...telling the simple truth is now considered being an "enemy" of the Human Race. What`s happening to people?


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