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=> funner yet...

funner yet...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Thursday, July 1 2004, 15:13:41 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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have come across few people like Tighlath who claim to worship Ashur but they have no knowledge of the ancient Assyrian religion. have no knowledge of the English language or American history or much beyond your Syriac manuscripts..doesn`t stop you. No one is claiming to worship Ashur in any dogmatic way with ceremonies and ritual. What I`m saying at least is that I refuse to worship ANY god at all, in those way. They are childish and unbecomming and also lead to thank you. I respect what our people did under the Inspiration Ashur gave them. It`s like knowing the size of a man, or idea or god by the footprint left behind...the entire world pays homage, even when they don`t know it, to the imptint the people of Ashur left behind..I respect that phenomenom. I don`t NEED a Jew heaven or Jew salvation so badly I`ll go down on my knees..which is all the "footprint" you Christians, minor ect of Judaism, have left behind in 2000 fucking years!!!

At least those of us who opted for Muhammad instead of Jesus went on to build the Great islamic Empire which saved classical and modern learning for Europe and the New World..once everybody got over the Dark Ages, when your religion almost had its way with us all.

Can he for example know how to pray in the Akkadian languge?
Does he know what kind of fasting ancient Assyrians had and does he observe them?

...I don`t think anyone ever said we were reviving the religion.

Does he know all the Assyrian religious holidays?
Does he cry for Tamuz and offer libation and food to the dead ancester at the proper time?

...I think he knows lots of these...but one can always learn them, if one wants to create a religion, or revive one. None of us have said that. Bereft of any further insults, Tiglath has no children boys assume he SHOULD form an Assyrian religion..than you fault him for not knowing the rituals..when he never said he wanted to "worship" Ashur in that sense. Ashur knows. He doesn`t need his people dancing at the end of a Jewish string.

Does he know how to observe the Assyrian Sabbat?
Does he know how to scare away the bad spirits?

...I do. I can get rid of you easily..only you`re so damn frightened already you hide your name. Do you know who you are? Do you know the names of the bad spirits who scared you so badly?

Does he know about the good spirit which will protect him form the evil spirits such as Lilithu.
The fact is these people are atheists but claim to worship Ashur without knowing what is involved in doing so. are theone locked into rituals it would seem. No one claimed to want to worship Ashur in the ways you worship a Jew. It`s again your fantasy..a bogus "point" you raise so you can argue with yourself..sort of like you raise that "bad penis" of yours all by yourself and go to worshipping it.

A relgion whitout a holy book is useless because every body has to invents his own manners of worship if anyone does it .

..the religion of Ashur had its holy books..thats where you Jews stole yours you got your Commandments from hammurabi. No one is forming a religion here..and the holy books exist already..they are in vaults everywhere...but neither are we going to worship your Jew book.

...As far as do you know that? Does refusing to buy into your Jew god mean one believs in NO god? More than half the world doesn`t buy your silly what? I don`t believe in gods or tooth fairies..what does that have to do with the isues raised? Do you think because someone doesn`t believ in Yahwe that fact alone means you don`t have to answer a question put to you? It`s okay if you do...but that`s interesting.

Each religion has its own manner of babtism, Marriage, death, and interaction with others which these people don't know how it was done at the ancient time. of these we get away from this fear you Jews have of discovering what`s really in all those clay tablets..we will learn more. But so what? No one wants to revive isn`t it isn`t necessary to have a triangle in Iraq to be Assyrian in this world...and to blow the entire country up if you cvan`t get your way. It shows enough revenernce for Ashur and his peole to wish to preserve his lands and matter what the name or religion.

You know damn well none of us ever talked about making a new religion out of Ashur. Is that the only way you know how to live? This is the only way you could think of to try to insult the man some more...hoping noone would notice that whatever he believes, he has the courage of his convictions..which you clearly. There was nothing you could attack him on..and you couldn`t answer his questions so instead you invented the idea that Tiglath must be a fool because he doesn`t know the ritual for his "new religion". It`s entirely your own smoke screen to hide your sorry performance. Answer the questions for a change.

The best he can do is to find what happened to Harranians who refused to become Christians. They mostly converted to Islam and dissapeared in the Islamic melting pot. Those who survived practice a religion which is a combination of the ancient Mesopotamian, Christianity, Zoroastrian and Islam.

..and you disappeared into a Jew crockpot..and call your neo-Judaism "Assyrian"..that`s all. And you`ll son disappear into an American injection mould. How did you stay Assyrian? You think your children are going to give a damn..when all it is is warmed over Judaism?

Tiglath may be interested to know that before world war one in the mountains on the night of the Easter when Christ was believed to have risen people visited the graveyard and put Light tapers on the grave of their dead family members. according to Olmstead the ancient Assyrian graves had two nitches on the side where food offering and light was left for the dead.

...we`re all interested to know the ways in which Assyrian culture was stolen and rearranged by you the service of your Jew masters.

In some distircts such as Tkhoma food was also placed onthe graves. graves usually had had a little niche on the side to put light for the dead to illuminate his/her world. The greating uttered by the mountain Assyrians to bless the dead was "Noura all motanokhoun" (May be light be on your dead).`d be surprised how easy it is to read a book. I read the works of Balzac in French..didn`t make me French. You read the apparently turned you into a Jew. Some people are who they are..some can`t wait to be Jewish. We are go read about us..and practise Judaism...reformed. We`ll practice Ashurism..our own way, not yours.

If anyone of these people are real believers the first thing they have to do to come up with a book describing all these traditions otherwise they are just whistling in the wind as the saying goes.

..the books are there. No one wanted to revive the religion, that`s your ploy. But you apparently could have chosen either book..and chose the Jew book. The rest could be excused for being ignorant of the Assyrian Book..but had BOTH in front of you and chose the Jew book..and you have the nerve to say you are Assyrian? Sounds even more Jew to me.



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