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=> getting a little shrill are we???

getting a little shrill are we???
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Monday, June 28 2004, 15:41:36 (CEST)
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Written by Steve on 27 Jun 2004 21:42:07:

As an answer to: Re: Back to the future..... written by Tiglath on 27 Jun 2004 08:38:58:

Tiglat you are confused!

...confused people always start by saying that.

Who is "we" and who is "they" in your dictionary?

If you beleive that all who live in Iraq are the same people, but under different names, then irrespective of the name used your "we" would include everyone: Assyrians, Arabs, Kurds, and Turkomen.

However if they are disticnt and are not the same, then you could use the term "they".

...depends how you define "we" and "they" and "distinct".

As to your statement:

>>And you know all this cause you're their advocate ?
>Actually I am the advocate of our people. All our people whether they be Assyrian, Kurdish, Shiite or Arab. I will gladly take Barzani himself to court should he commit a crime against our people just as I'd defend the Kurds against Assyrian Christian fundamentalists such as Steve who's praying for Armaggedon.

If you are serious, Barazani had already been involved in war crimes against "your" people (i.e. the Kurds with Talibani), and he is responsible for the death of many Kurds (of the Talibani group), and he even collaborated with Saddam.

My question is: if you consider your self a Kurd (as in "we" everyone), then you already have the facts to take Barazani to court, because he killed "your" people (i.e. the Kurds).

...I can speak for myself...everyone has criminal elements in him or her and every group has criminals within it..that proves we`re the same people. Criminals get away with crime all the time..take the starvation death of a half million Iraqi children who never harmed anyone, one third the number of children the Nazis killed...who is calling for jusice in this case? You?

On the otehr hand if you consider yourself an Assyrian and Not a Kurd, then what is this hipocricy about claiming "we" when you reammy mean "they".

...who is confused? is this by way of clearing things up?

So let's cut the crap, and be serious for a moment.

..please do...

> I was in north Iraq and I investigated the matter firsthand. The problem is that Assyrians were leaving in droves selling their lands and fleeing to the West. While there were cases of greedy Kurdish farmers who commit crimes against some Assyrians in an attempt to force them to leave and take their lands, the majority were living side by side in harmony with the Kurds. Remember there's a big difference between the Kurdish political groups such as KDP and the Kurdish people.

I think you just disproving yourself because you just admitted that there are as you said: "greedy Kurdish farmers who commit crimes against some Assyrians in an attempt to force them to leave and take their lands"

Who has the power the authority in the North? The Kurds.

Have they tried to bring those people to justice and protect Assyrians? No do you know? Iraq has a few problems to deal with right now...Americans have been illegally and greedily attacking and robbing Iraq for 14 years and no one has been able to bring them to justice or into any court...what do you expect?

As you know all it takes is few terrorists to cause a great irreversible damage, the question is what is the Kurdish government of the north doing to curb that?

..and as you know...a great many Terrorists, even with uniforms on..whether Turkish or American, can do a lot of damage and still are, in the case of America. Under these conditions it`s a bit much to expect people to carry on as usual, let alone improve.

...what is the American government doing to stop the violence against Iraqi civillians? Under international law the occupier is responsible for the safety of the civillian population..ask Bush.

Seems to me that they are givung it a blind eye, and telling Assyrians that $hit happens, and they need to live with that. They give the Peshmerga the green light to go and burn down the official buildings where land deeds are stored, and with that they erase everything that proves that the real owner of the land is Assyrian, and hence the greedy Kurdish farmer becomes the ligitimate owner of that Assyrian land. It is a state run ethnic cleansing and terrorism.

...are you telling us that just as disease and starvation and bombs will NOT affect Christians..that fire in official buildings will NOT burn Kurd deeds but only "Assyrian" ones?

Show me one incident where Talibani or Barazani ordered the excution of any greedy Kurdish farmers that took over Assyrian land! the death penalty in place for stealing land in Iraq? Show me one American official taken to court anywhere for this war on Iraq brought on by lies. Just one.

But hey, what are we talking about? they can't do that because they too had taken Assyrian land, in fact all Kurdistan is on Assyrian land. In fact the greedy Kurdish farmer would respond to Talibani and Barazani as: what do you mean I took Assyrian land illegally? Go punish yourself because you too had illegally taken Assyrian lands.

...all the homes in America are on stolen land..the Assyrian empire was built on stolen land..are you daft?

As you see the Kurds are corrupt from the bottom all the way to the top, and all have Assyrian blood on their hands.

...they certainly all don`t have blood on their more than Americans and Christians have the blood of a half million children whose lives they stole on THEIR hands. If Americans forgive themselves then no Kurd is guilty of anything. Get the morally superior Christians to start obeying international law and then we`ll talk. Go should be no more difficult than for Tiglath to get Talabani to straighten up.



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