The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> hard of hearing

hard of hearing
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Sunday, June 20 2004, 21:57:56 (CEST)
from Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

Posted By: Nineve (
Date: Sunday, 20 June 2004, at 11:24 a.m.

In Response To: AINA: Terrorist Attacks on Assyrians Intensify (AINA)

I hope that this news release was passed on to foereign media as well and not only circulated among the Assyrians. CAME from other media silly. Everything on aina is recycled garbage.

Nothing will change if foreign media isn't obliged to mention the Assyrian plight and Cause so that the cries of our brethren are heard loudly.

..lots of people have their plight mentioned...doesn`t do them any good either. It seems the only way you people can count on publicitry is to get killed by don`t talk too loudly when Christians kill you. Have you never come up with a positive, life-affirming way to get anyone`s interest? We did...we installed an Assyrian monument without getting anyone killed. which I think you`re deef..or only listen to your own self holler. Your "brethren", the ones in Iraq not San Jose, were shouting loud and clear..."SHUT THE FUCK UP"! It was your ditzy claim that an attack by American and British Christians would secure the future for Iraqi Christians..till you found out what democracy means..and now "DAMN"!!! There you are with another "plight!!!" on your hands..only you brought it down on the heads of your "brethren"..just like the other assholes..the Levies and the Christians marching around Iraq with guns brought death, not to themselves..but to the innocent people of you`ve brought it down on all the Christians of Iraq. You will, no doubt, blame Muslims for if they had just all laid down and died when America looked at them...YOU would have a country! Can only America kill innocnet people?

...silly kids.


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