hillarious.... |
Posted by
- Wednesday, June 23 2004, 16:35:00 (CEST) from Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
..I mean how dumb these Christians INSIST on remaining...they get taken at the car lot year ater year, clunker after junker and can STILL get all exicited and believe the car salesman when he says..."Have I got Triangular Car for YOU"! [ Post Response ] [ Read Prev Msg ] [ Read Next Msg ] "It's Up To Us" Posted By: Atooreta (c68.184.188.98.ts46v-24.ftwrth.tx.charter.com) Date: Wednesday, 23 June 2004, at 8:56 a.m. Excerpt from Rev., Ken Joseph's "It's Up to Us" 6/17: I just spent nearly one month in Washington and met with nearly all the Senators on the Armed Service Committee, the Foreign Relations committee, Secretary Rumsfield, Armitage, and in Baghdad with Mr. Brahimi, and each of the new Government Ministers except for one. To each carefully explaining the case of the Assyrians. Is there hope? Yes there is! In spite of the failure not one American or Iraqi government official disagreed on the idea of an area for the Assyrians - not one! The usual reaction? ...of course you get the "usual reaction"...you also don`t seem to realize you get the "uaual flush" down the toilet where you belong. What are they supposed to do? You come in crying with a ten ton Jesus round your neck..a man of "god"...who`s going to throw you out...who`s going to tell you your whacked? They will listen..they will tell you you have a point, right above your neck...and they`ll politely show you to the door and have a good laugh with the staff after it`s shut behind your fat head. ...This is a very easily impressed man... `If the Kurds can have one why not the Assyrians - why have you not said anything before?` ...SURE...all the people of the earth have to do is SPEAK UP..and their needs will be met...silly people! So the truth is out! Not only have our leaders in Iraq failed us, but those in the US too! Now what do we do? In this issue I have carefully noted the fax numbers, addresses and other information for the key people in the US Government. ...uh huh...and we all UNTITTY with YOUR sect so when the big nothing is over...you can claim you had the best shot but those who refused TITTY with yours LOST Assyria. Run along with you. Please take a moment after your anger has subsided and write a nice letter demanding an Assyrian Regional Government in Iraq and fax it to them. And then take a moment and pray that God will, in the last remaining days before June 30th do a miracle! ...I`m not angry..I think you`re funny..stupid but funny too. I`d rather YOU got faxed! fax you. `If my people, who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face than will I hear from heaven and will give them the land` II Chronicles 7:14 ...now, would a Jew pray to Ashur for help? No. So why are you asking Assyrians to pray to Yahwe? Have you ever thought that maybe you`re praying to thr wrong god...? Besides...Yahwe told his own son he`d suffer and die...and you tell your flock to be like Jesus...and they are suffering and dying..what are you complaining about? Christ didn`t go live in a triangle happily ever after..he got killed in a drive by crossification...can`t you people get ANYTHING right? --------------------- |
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