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=> hoo ha supremo

hoo ha supremo
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Friday, July 9 2004, 0:43:39 (CEST)
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Re: Stop playing with words


Beth Suryoyo Assyrian (Othuroyo) Forum


Written by Assyrian on 08 Jul 2004 22:07:11:

As an answer to: Re: Stop playing with words written by Fred Aprim on 08 Jul 2004 17:38:55:

Thank you Fred, I was just about to write the same thing!


The original work is very clear: The Assyrians have a "fairly homogenous" genetic makeup. The meaning is that they are a closed society and their genetic makeup makes them distinct from the other groups in the area. do you go from "fairly" to CLOSED? It means nothing of the means given the wide range of plus or minor serror probabioity..there`s no measureable difference at think like Aprim is`re desperate to make a point it`s gone to your head.

Of course we may share some genetic similiarity with those who have kidnapped and raped our women for centuries. The only reason why Qurds may have some Assyrian genetic material is because of that reason and that reason alone. one kidnapped and raped anyone....this is your church`s bullshit to explain away the embarrassing fact that several Assyrian Christian women ran screaming from their prent`s home in the night.

We are still patiently waiting for David to become a nasha by the way.

...once again...what does that have to do with anything?

I think Robert's idea is fantastic. I'd bet the results would show that the modern Assyrian DNA is far closer to the Queen's than anyone else in the area. such thing...I suppose any Egyptian who is Christian, for that reason ALONE is closer to Hatshepshut than to her Muslim Egyptian along with your breathless selves..this won`t get it for you MAY be Christian Assyrian...that`s are no more origianl or pure Assyrian than any women who married a Kurd 200 years ago...whose Grandfather was a Christian "Assyrian" along before you get hurt.

That's the reason David and Fred Parhad are afraid to support this ancient DNA test.

..the reason you`re afraid to talk to Fred Parhad is obvious as is the fact that between Tiglath you and I, only you are afraid to use your we said, this is very Hebrew of isn`t Assyrian....I`m not afraid of anything about you...but as Tiglath and Dr Elias point out, there is no significant difference..there`s a rag you and Aprim can chew on...go ahead.

They know it'll prove that we are the descendants of the ancient Assyrians....and the Qurds, while they may have some Assyrian genetic material because of kidnappings and rapes, will be far more distant from the Queen genetically speaking. are no more descendants than any Muslim in Iraq...or any Muslims who moved away from Iraq...and there were no more rapes than any other people have...this is a poor way of expalining why you`re still single.


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