in a tatoo parlor with youuuuuuuuuu |
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- Saturday, June 19 2004, 21:22:09 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
Written by Suroyo on 19 Jun 2004 19:04:35: ...Assyria is slipping from their fingers..well, from their was never even close to them. As they sit and wait for Christians to get killed..National Work, don`t you know, pencil and paper in hand..."and please try to offer references..teeth will do"..they`re entertaining each other with they needed convincing..imagine Bedlam where three self proclaimed Napoleon Bonapartes and trying to convince nine other claimants to the name that they`re ALL French Emperors...and you have "Assyria". Just a Question! Argument 1: Since scholars call the Assyrian Language syriac(a misnomer), we should too call the Assyrian language syriac!!! ....scholars are divided and most of them aren`t any brighter than you....some call it Aramaic..others call it an accumulation of dialects...other`s call it nonsense...still others don`t know what to do with you people...and besides..what are you calling a scholar??? ...Bottomline people can call it and each other and yourselves anything you want you do. You can call Assyrians can even tell them that being Christian and dropping that silly god makes them even MORE Assyrian...and as long as you`re at it, you can call the Jews who dropped Yahwe for Jesus REAL JEWS if you want...for so long as you talk to each other in your thingies..what CAN`T you do? Argument 2: If we make the argument above should we not also make the same argument regarding the name of Assyrian land... Scholars do not call our land 'land tween any rivers', or mesopotami, or the fertile cresent.......... They call our land ASSYRIA!!!!!!!!! Should we not also call it that???????? ...they don`t call it Assyria...they call it Iraq that USED to be Assyria. Every reputable scholar, not the dimwits you produce, knows that names of countries and their inhabitants change over`s only a surprise to you boys who attended village idiot schools. On all maps in all books dealing with the world as it is NOW and for the last 1000 years at least...that land is not refered to by anyone as "Assyria". Scholars call that land Iraq...because that`s what it is. You should do the same. PS--------Why are all Assyrians afraid of calling Ashur (Assyrian land) Assyria???????????????????? Even there precious god called it that........ ...yes he did...and you all ran after yahwe as soon as you got a better deal..because Ashur never rewarded people for cringing on their knees...and you found a short cut to the infamy you`ve enjoyed since. ...Assyrians know what`s what...we don`t daydream and murder our people over Jew religions...the glory days of Assyria as a country and empire are long over..but our achievements last and as soon as we can get your yucky Christian hands off of our Heritage the sooner will the world realize that your Jews stole and mangled all their best parts from us..for which we do NOT feel compensated for by having them throw YOU a bone or two about how useful Yahwe found the Assyrians when his pets needed housebreaking. Your thoughts Hanna???????? ...Hanna doesn`t have any thoughts..Hanna has a recording he plays all day shoved all the way up into his head through his arse..delivered there by a village idiot the rest of you got your "education" from. --------------------- |
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