The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> in awe...

in awe...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Sunday, July 11 2004, 15:07:22 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title: less. I mean at the way Tiglath is juggling Christians over at beth. The logic and the facts and the reasoning he presents is one thing, but the masterful way he`s drawing them out more and more into putting their feet in their mouths, while remaining calm and cool and refusing to snap at the bait they all lay out there for him...desperate to force him to slip up so that Hanna, who`s leaning over that delete button of his which keeps his Assyria alive and well, can quickly get rid of him and justify it because Tiglath " got personal" a thing of beauty to watch..especially in the case of our own Elmer Fudd...Ferd Aprim who sounds more and more like an Eastern Bloc diplomat.

If you sift through their posts you`ll find mostly insults, put-downs, hints that "Davie" won`t be popular if he keeps this up, warnings to him to get smart and wake up before it`s "too late"...and now, on old old chestnut we hadn`t see in some time...and I quote:

Seems like you invent calims as you go along to further your agenda. In doing so you make a mockery of yourself and what you believ.
One has to wonder if you are being paid for this. Otherwise why will you indulge in defaming yourself?

...and there you have are being PAID to do this. Notice how the paragraph describes Ben perfectly...Tiglath is asking questions..Ben has the agenda...which is to not allow any questions...Ben says Tiglath is making a mockery of could any reader without a triangular head read both of them and conclude Tiglath was the one mocking anything? Not only is Tiglath making a "mockery of himself", but also of what he "believes"..which is interesting if you consider that what you are and what you believe are the same thing at the deepest level...or does Ben not really believe what he is...or is he other than he claims to believe? And then of course there`s the getting PAID for what he`s saying thing, meaning he can`t really believe it but is whoring have to wonder, given how often they use this and how we NEVER even thought to, if there isn`t some unconscious revelation as to what Ben and the rest are doing..that they know the Church propaganda they`re putting out isn`t Jassim admits in secret that there are obviously Assyrian Muslims...but that their AGENDA has them furiously trying to bat down any questions that might show them for the bigoted liars they work for pay, holy pay and rewards, on their Church`s agenda..which is nothing less than to steal some Iraqi lands for Jesus..a Jew.


...Tiglath: where does one apply to get paid for this? I could use cash too.


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