in which aprim plays |
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- Thursday, July 8 2004, 22:12:56 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
Re: Stop playing with words -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beth Suryoyo Assyrian (Othuroyo) Forum -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Written by Fred Aprim on 08 Jul 2004 17:38:55: As an answer to: Answering Robert's call for genetic testing.... written by Tiglath on 08 Jul 2004 12:00:24: David Chibo (Tiglath) Two questions: A) Did you read what the article is saying? 1. Analysis of the Assyrians shows that they have a distinct genetic profile that distinguishes their population from any other population. ...who`s playing. Just when do the Assyrians appear...where were they before that, you mean they sahred NOTHINg with anyone back then and mixed with NO ONE? Did they come from same test tube you did?...what happened to all those before them..did they disappear..were they all wiped out...where did they go to..and on top of that..what became of all the people incorportaed by the Assyrians..the Babylonians, the Amorites, the Hurrians...where are they all? Did ONLY Assyrians of the SAME genetic material could that be oh wise one? ...Next...the term Assyrians as it`s historically and "weightily" applied encompassed ALL Assyrians well before Christianity or Islam..where are they...and how can you prove they ONLY turned to Christianity and not Islam..since there are no genetic markers for religion? If indeed all Assyrians are from one gene pool..something no one can prove ever...then even so...that would say nothing about them turing to any religion and once in that religion marrying and mixing their blood with all the people who follow that religion..just as Christian Assyrians did more than marry with Church of The East or Nestorians..but Protestants..which brought them into another gene set what happened to all the Assyrian Christians who married WRONG Christians..did they lose their genes as well? 2. The important conclusion is that the genetic origin of groups that have been surrounded for a long time by populations of different genetic type can be recognized as different only if they have maintained a fairly rigid endogamy [ marriage within the group] for most or all the period in which they have been in contact with other groups… ...bullshit...Joel`s atricle clearly states the opposite..the ancient Assyrians never limited themselves the way you do..they mixed freely with everyone...there was nothing pure about their gene pool either for 900 and more years...this is your own brand of Fascism parading as science. 3. In any case, the data provide unequivocal evidence that Assyrians as a people are distinguishable from all other population groups in their genetic characteristics and are not a part of any other population. says that nowhere at couldn`t. That`s absurd...had they been raised in a vaccum, it might be possible to have remained separate...but they did not..if anything they lived at the crossroads of the earth back then and they travelled far and wide and mixed freely wherever they went...they didn`t have your constipattion problems. B) And did you read the whole original book from which the article was written about? I know you have not. If you have tell us what you think about it. Go and read it. Stop playing with words. ...and have you read all the books you quote? I too know you have do several people. Showing us the author`s own words, as Tiglath did, far outweighs what you usually do when you "read"..that is you merely go to the glossary and look up key words...and take out of context whatever you can to "prove" your silly points....if you`ve read the book and understood it so well...why don`t YOU have a quote taken from the book that says what you can`t find one because it`s not in the book..what you do is MISUNDERSTAND the way that suits YOUR needs..and then come tell us what the book "said". You`ve gotten away with it because clearly the boys here never read anything except Syriac mnauscripts so how would they know...give us a page Fred..just ONE quote that backs up your play with words....just ONE. Fred > --------------------- |
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