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=> in which smoke gives no heat...

in which smoke gives no heat...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Monday, July 5 2004, 23:41:10 (CEST)
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Re: Question 4. The Assyrian Triangle


Beth Suryoyo Assyrian (Othuroyo) Forum


Written by Hanna Hajjar on 05 Jul 2004 20:59:21:

As an answer to: Re: Question 4. The Assyrian Triangle written by Tiglath on 05 Jul 2004 13:42:38:


...let me just thank Hanna again....

You are beating around the bush!

...and you are beating Iraq behind a Bush.

Maybe the Moslem Iraqis are Assyrian in origin, and maybe not, I am not the one who should declare it and neither you. the right people to declare it are the Moslem Iraqis themselves. just said you wouldn`t declare anything relative to who is what..then you say the Muslims MUST do "this".

But it is a catch 22 for them, because in order to claim that they are Assyrian they need to drop their claims to being Arabs or Kurds. And it all boils down to which ethnicity they plege their allegence.

...not at all. In the first place you are a religious sect..not an "ethnicity" is all the people of BetNahrain who happen to meet all the America is filled with everybody and their cousin and developed an American Ethnic consciousness...ethnicity isn`t isn`t one language and increasingly it is meaningless.

...they are not Arabs..any more than you are Jews because of where your religion and its customs and rituals come America you become "American" an Assyrian in Saudi Arabia would become "Arab"..that doesn`t change their background and they`re allowed to give it as much weight as they want you reserve the right for yourselves when you become Syrian Christians and Iranian Christians and Iraqi Christians and Turkish Christians..each of you with distinct variations on common themes..yet all of you claiming Assyrian descent when who knows when you moved to Turkey and should be considered merely Turkish.

...We aren`t taking about "blood purity" or ethnic origin and certainly not religious origins either..we`re talking about a reverance for the land and a respect for all its cultures, including the rich Islamic Culture which was the marvel of the Medeival World...but which you slime because our Assyrian brother and sisters chose to follow a different religion..which changed their ethnicity and blood and place of birth for you..well if a change in religions changed all of that for the Muslim Assyrians then you`re a Jew...and should return to Israel.

If parents abuse their children the state removes the children from their custody of their genetic parents. And with the same token, if the Moslem Iraqis (even if they are Moslem Assyrians) abuse the Assyrians who are not Moslems, then the Assyrians don't need to be subjected to that abuse. There is no law on earth that states that an abused is required to take any crap from any abuser! were never abused as were even taken in and given refuge as Christians running for your lives...any "abuse" you have suffered is because of your treachery. My grandfather and his family escaped to Iraq and started a new life and did just fine..inspite of the way you Levy assholes almost ruined it for everybody..he sent four sons to college and they became doctors and served their people, ALL their people well...others became school teachers and so forth.

...The repeated incursions and wars and police actions by Christians from Europe and America against our region, always with the cheers and best wishes of you Christians ringing in their ears, is what made you unwelcome..when The Byzantines were killing heretic Christians you all found refuge for your weird little sects among Muslims..the Ottomans in one killed more Christians and abused Christians more than other Christians...and you`ve abused everybody else.

...Assyrian Muslims are under no obligation to satisfy you in any way...their Assyrian heritage is but ONE of the many they revere and worked for...they don`t have your blind spot that chastises Europeans for saying all Assyrians wwere wiped out when you turn right around and say NO Babylonians, or Amorites, or Hittites, or Hurrians or Arameans survived.

Notice that even with the new Iraqi council Sunni, Shiites, Arabs and Kurds, were allowed to become the president of the council, but no Christian Assyrian or Turkoman. If they are talking about democracy and all Iraqis are equal, then there should be no ethnic or religious barriers for any Iraqi to become athe president, and an Assyrian Christian should be entitled to become one just like the rest. and if he is not allowed, then that by itself is an blatent example of decrimination againsty Assyrians.

...there are no barriers...they simply, under United States control, decided who would be the interim government..the United States never gave Native Americans any positions of power..what are you crying for? In a democracy majority will rule..there are no provisions in a democracy to mandate minority rights..that too is decided by a majority and one that is pissed as hell at Christians especially those offering to create a Militia and go fight in THEIR weren`t even born in Iraq and you`re a Christian wishing death to the Iraqi is THIS sort of arrogance masquerading as "Assyrian" love of the land that makes you odious, and rightly neglected to mention the ministry you DID get..."The Ministry Of GET OUT"!

And please don't tell me that the rest are of Assyrian origin because I don't swallow that, (with all due respect) it is like having a stranger claiming that he is you, and demanding that he sleeps with your wife, and then turning around and telling you that you don't need to sleep with your wife because he is you and doing your job. That is exactly what you are telling us when you are denying Qassyrian Christian rights.

...why do you talk in tongues...what`s with these wives and strangers and vaginal canals and it like this INSIDE your head too?

Now back tom the Assyrian Triangle, this is my vision:

For the past 2600 years Assyrians tried it under foreign rule and it didn't work.

...Assyrians were all the people of merely insist only Christians can be Assyrians because they`re fixated on the distant past, a past that knew no Christians and would never have "converted" to their do that in part to overlook your own poor to miserable showing as Christians while our Muslim brothers and sisters went on to create the Golden Islamic Empire, built right above Babylon..and we all know desert Arabs couldn`t have done that by so short a space of time...that was done by Assyrians converting and gladly too, to a religion that was new and young and vigorous that gave them scope for the manly ways they`d been used to for 2500 years...and not the wimpy assed Christianity that never fit any of them well except for you Jews.

...It was never foreign rule..the Arabs were soon made a part of BetNahrain but the majority who went on to found the Islamic Empire whose seat at Baghdad was miles away in culture and beauty and science from any European capitol at that time...were Assyrians who merely play the tiresome game of claiming any Muslim in Iraq must be an Arab because the religion is from Arabia and that makes any Assyrian who converts an Arab all of a sudden..and a froeigner AND from Arabia...which makes you Christians whose religion is from Israel all Jews who tried to impose Israeli foreign rule over Betnahrain and LOST. Go back to Israel.

The foreigners who occupy Assyria do not recognize Assyrian language and culture, because they don't accept it as equal to Arab and Kurdish languages and culture, nor Assyrian is accepted as the official language like Arabic and Kurdish, and that constitute another descrimination against Assyrians. (i.e. The Moslem Iraqis can't claim that they are Assyrians when they don't refcognize Assyrian as the official language along with Arabic and Kurdish).

..they are not foreigners...they are our people who converted to one Jew religion while you converted to another...the language there is Arabic, like it`s English in America where you live...the United States did not recognize Native American languages, they did not choose to make those the languages of the new nation..likewise Assyrian Muslims adopted the Arabic language...not a thing wrong with that...they did no more than all your children do when they adopt English and forget this dear language you haven`t done a fucking thing to teach anywhere..except rail at Arabic speaking countries for not doing it for you. The language is alive in books and discs and anyone wanting to learn it can...what they will not allow you to do is teach sedition, in any language and certainly not the language of CHRIST.

Therefore the only solution is an independent Assyrian state, represented by the Assyrian Triangle which is the bare minimum territory that covers the heartland of Assyria, where Assyrians can preserve their language, culture, and ethnic identity. A second alternate is to have that territory as part of the Iraqi federation (if there would be one).

...your wishes are no solutions..your wishes have no currency anywhere...your visions mean nothing to people who dominate and who have their own..they had a visions of Iraq too, ones in which the nation would come together as one and use all the best each had to offer...but as you said, if you didn`t get your way you would ruin it for everyone...which is exactly what you did...and any time an Assyrian prospered and did well in Iraq AS an a member of the NATION, you called that person a traitor what the fuck are you talking about "abuse"?

Simply because you can`t get your way, you claim you are being abused...simply because the Iraqis won`t give you a Christian enclave you call on any and all Christians to come attack the country and destroy it..and you have the nerve to say "look at how we are kept down"..yet no one slimes and attacks Christians who do well more than you are bound and determined to ruin the country and they know that and that is why you are no longer welcome...FINALLY. Keep your sorry ass in Disneyland where you can wish upon a plastic star.

That territory will be ruled by Assyrians irrespective of their religion (be it Christians, Moslems, Yazidis, Sabean etc.) , (i.e. If a Moslem Iraqi considers himself Assyrian then he can run for office.

..that is not a democracy...and no democratic Iraq will ever vote you such a madhouse.

As to other Iraqis who don't consider themselves to be Assyrians, they are welcome to stay and live in the Assyriqan triangle as guests, and they will be treated the same way Assyrians are treated in their territories. (i.e. the same rights given to Assyrian under Arab or Kurdish rule, will be given to Arabs or Kurds in the Assyrian Triangle).

..this is your you said..go ahead...fantasize..lots of men do when they jerk off.

I think this is a fair settlement to all involved. And don't forget that we are not asking a charity from any one, on the contrary we are doing them a favor, by giving them the balance of Assyria (i.e. Assyrian territories outside the Assyrian Triangle) where they can live and rule themselves. are giving have nothing to lost that privilege long ago...even if you were just plain Muslim Iraqis...having called for the destruction of Iraq and cheered the starvation deaths of their you ever so would get as fellow Christians of the same beasts who did this to the entire nation...go suck an egg.

The question that you should ask, is not if the Assyrians will have a democratic state or not, but rather have the others been treating Assyrians as equals? and if not, then Assyrians don't need to be in their yoke and chains.

..the laws apply to you people as to anyone else...Assyrians got into positions of power..they got educations, jobs, the became directors of museums and hospitals and owned businesses...nothing was denied them as long as the obeyed the laws..Kurds are Muslims as well yet when they broke Iraqi law..they were treated as criminals as they would be anywhere they broke the Christians cannot teach sedition in your madrassahs..any more than the Kurds isn`t an "Assyrian" thing and it isn`t even a Christian`s the Law..stupid.

Finally, occupied nations might peacefully ask for independence from their occupier or even the UN, but if their request is not met, then they always have the option to grab what is rightfully their theough any means of resistance at their disposal. and such action is supported by the UN. cannot prove anything is rightfully have never been able to..I am Assyrian Assyrian, born in Iraq and your prooves have always sounded idiotic and opportunistic to revere a Jew yet you come claiming the lands in the name of Ashur...the UN is not in the business of giving lands couldn`t even stop the United States from its illegal war...the UN TAKES land...ask the Plaestinians...and so long as you threaten Iraqis with armed intervention to get what you claim belongs to ..that no one else has EVER conceeded...then you make life hell for the Christans stuck in Iraq...which is EXACTLY what all of this is aimed at for you need corpses to win hearts and minds..your arguments can`t do it.

Of course they know and we know you could no more draw a straight line than seize anything ahywhere...but it`s the thought that counts..and your thoughts are criminal as far as Iraq is concerned...and would be criminal in the United States if you were a Seminole Native who declared you had a right you gave yourself to seize Florida through force...because you have a treaty signed by Conmgress and the president saying it`s yours....these words don`t make a righteous man of you, they make you a America in Iraq and anywhere else in the world...including Israel where a Palestinian will be jailed or worse for proclaiming he`s going to take back his his family for the last 600 years, stolen THIS year..not 1300 years ago, by Israelis with the backing iof the United matter what he thought..or what the pope has said and the United Nations too..such a statement would get him jailed in Israel and get you hanged in Iraq...

If the Arabs had the right of independence from the Ottoman Turks, and the Kurds have the right for independence from the Arabs, then Assyrians too have the right for independence from both Arabs and Kurds.

..they had no rights but what they seized..if you can seize that triangle or Manhattan and hold onto`s yours. The problem is you can`t and have no intention of ever trying such a thing and every time a small move has been made in that direction, retaliation has been swift and awful---like after Agha Pourous..whom you never heard of..and after the Levies..and now after this latest war you helped bring...your efforts are all intended to get Christians killed..enough so you can reach critical mass, which is when enough Foreign Christians feel sorry enough to do something for you and they never`ll just get them killed for nothing..but it sure do feel good talkingalot..cause how else would you know you`re "Assyrian"...right? I mean who ELSE talks so FUCKING much without producing a single thing?

The key answer to those Iraqi Moslems that you claim that they are Assyrians,

Are we equal to them with all respect? (i.e. citizen rights, and right to run to any office that they can run for, already were, Azziz and George, remember...along with many others.

is our Assyrian language equal to other lanbguages of Iraq and is recognized as an official language too, can`t be an official language..there`s only one of those. In America Mexican workers are forbidden by Law to TALK TO EACH OTHER at work in Spanish but must speak English. No language that teaches sedition will ever be tolerated..if, after years have gone by without you people jumping onto every foreign bandwagon that promises to liberate Iraq..if after years of being good citizens asking for nothing special...Iraq chooses to allow your language to be will..hovever..the lnaguage is already being taught so what are you talking about?

and our culture is it equivolvent to that of the Arabs and Kurds i.e. state funds should support all equally and evenly, and not based on numbers). a democracy it IS based on numbers and the will of the down south and see what kinds of schools and cultural centers and parks Black Americans have..see what poor neighborhoods are living in a fairy tale and have been ever since you ran after a Jew who promised you heaven if you`d kill him and eat him. The requests for guarantees and rights you`re making are there for NO other minority in ANY nation on are merely asking the impossible..what you know you won`t get so you`ll feel justified in doing what you really want to anyway..destroy Baghdad so Jerusalem can flourish and spread its "Peace".

If someone has children, he treats all children equally irrespective if the kid is young or old, skinny or fat, boy or girl, etc.and that is how all ethnicities should be treated in Iraq as equals. and I mean literarily equals, for a unified Iraq, the power should be shared on a 25/25/25/25 basis for all invovled, (i.e. 25% Arabs, 25% Assyrians, 25% Turkomen, and 25% Kurds) ethnic rights are not based on population, all ethnicities are equal, in the UN the vote of a tiny little island is as the vote of a huge country. Now if they can't achieve that, we are back to the Assyrian Triangle proposal, give a piece of land to each ethnic group and let them run their affairs, and link them through some kind of federation. a democracy the majority can weep in your nursery all you want to and hold your breath till you turn Nationalistic Purple...countries aren`t run like nursuries as forums aren`t run like private message boards, are unfit to tell Iraq what to have nothing to say to know nothing of majority merely have a fantasy you jerk off to.

Hanna Hajjar


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