in which some things that "don`t show properly"... |
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- Saturday, June 26 2004, 3:28:53 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
..are more equal than other things that don`t show properly... Translation, please Posted By: Peter BetBasoo <> ( Date: Friday, 25 June 2004, at 9:57 a.m. In Response To: The continuity of the kurdification of Assyria (Ashor Giwargis) Someone translate this, please. ...obviously the title of this post alone...was acceptable...regardless of whether Peter could make heads or tails of much for a BetBasso named Jassim. It would have been as easy to say the same thing to the other post...ask for a translation, "please"..instead of hiking his skirts up, tightening his corset and deleting it. Delete first...ask for translations later...please. --------------------- |
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