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=> just for fun...

just for fun...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Thursday, July 1 2004, 14:48:57 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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Written by Assyrian on 01 Jul 2004 07:07:11:

No one knows, really. Rumor has it that he flew to Iraq to take a baathi in the Tigris. Personally, I'm convinced he dove in head-first in shallow water. Or maybe he held his breath a tad bit too long. In either case, he emerged a changed man (to use a rather generous term)., aren`t we clever.

Others speculate that he is rebelling against his family in a strange fashion. Davie was born into a strong Christian household, his Father (God rest that great man's soul) was a very well-respected and beloved Shamasha within the Assyrian Church of the East.

...going for the father again?

Nevertheless, he rejected his Christian baptism after befriending a certain "Fred Parhad", better known to Assyrian nationalists by the endearing and befitting title "Khalou Tooma." Fred changed his name to "Farid" because an Arab name suited him quite well. isn`t Arab at`s Assyrian you dummy. You are not "Assyrian". You may be a nationalist if you want to be. You are a Christian, a neo-Jew...a forced convert from well respected parents who were either fiucked into Christ or killed.

Not to be outdone, Davie decides that the Christian name his parents baptized him with was an unacceptable "slave name" - being the name of the famous king of Israel and the ancestor of Jesus - Whom he now rejects and against Whom he prattles in his foolishness.

..That "famous king" was a robber, the murderer, a fornicator, a lying sleazy manipulator who thought nothing of sending his faithful soldier Urriah to his death so he couls fuck Baathsheeba some more..sounds like JUST the family tree for Jesus.

...we had REAL kings..but then what would you know?

Davie, now self-baptized "Tiglath", decides that he can no longer betray his forefathers who lived 2,600 years ago. So he takes up their diety, Ashur, as his own god. He blasts his own parents for rejecting the faith of their forefathers - a charge for which he, of course, is innocent of.

..he has never blasted his parents...and if you weren`t so afraid we`d know who you are and we could blast your parents. You`re the one dragging them around. Tiglath explained the situation once and that should have been the end of it. None of you can handle the questions he raises so you go for his family and hope to hurt him enough that he`ll fade away+ convinced that you boys really are too much for be challenged. We see you for what you are..and best of do other people.

In this very confusing mess,

...and you claiming to be Assyrian because you worship a Jew is very clear in your mind?

Tiglath has shown himself in a new light and his motivations have become crystal-clear. He would like us to think that he is a "Kaka" (to use a Kurdish word) of the Assyrian Nation.

...I don`t thnk he cares much what someone like you thinks of him. I think he was hoping some of you would lay off insulting his family long enough to think about thequestions he`s raised. You`ll notice he`s been polite and patient with you all..while this is the best you can do. Assyrians my arse.

In a way, he is right.

...but not in any way you can challenge. At least you haven`t been able to yet. Calling man stupid doesn`t make stupid. If anything it makes you long as you don`t answer the questions raised...and you haven`t come close.


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