just in case... |
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- Friday, June 18 2004, 6:20:22 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
Re: Please Help Adding to this List (Provide References if Possible) Posted By: Tiglath <davidchibo@hotmail.com> (CPE-139-168-156-114.nsw.bigpond.net.au) Date: Thursday, 17 June 2004, at 9:25 p.m. In Response To: Please Help Adding to this List (Provide References if Possible) (Fred Aprim) Hi Fred, I hate to say it but, "I told you so." Anyway now that you're finally aware of how many of our people are being killed due to this U.S. led illegal invasion perhaps we should form a world-wide lobby group and take this to the International Criminal Court where we can sue the belligerants. Using www.iraqibodycount.org I estimate we've lost between 500 to 600 innocent Assyrians due to the U.S.. The US and it's allies are legally responsible for the safety and well being of the invaded nation according to the hague convention of which they are all sigantories. We can use this at the International Criminal Court. I know that the US is not a signatory to the ICC but the other belligerant nations such as Australia and the UK are and we can make them pay for the death and destruction these governments have caused our people in Iraq. We could eventually get billions of dollars to help rebuild Iraq and compensate our people. You have my details let me know if you want to join this campaign. Perhaps De Keleita can donate his time and file our calims at the ICC as he is a lawyer. Please ask him. --------------------- |
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