looking for sarin |
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- Monday, July 5 2004, 22:31:03 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
Polish troops found sarin contained warheads...in Iraq...and got all excited. I could have told them where they could have found a bunch more of the stuff of...at the only place that makes it and sells it and the technology to people who go "rogue" with amazing frequency..the United States who else. Who else makes as much money making and selling and USING and demonstrating chemical and nerve and atomic and nuclear and every other kind of weapons..and who else has had more warlettes and supported more brutal dictators and who else gets the fan tods over what it does as it changes administrations like dirty underwear...and expects the rest of us to play right along. The questions no one ever answered was why Saddam never used these if he had them? With his country being overrun by Americans his airspace invaded by Isrealis, why didn`t he use these fucking weapons everyone asured us he would...which was the reason given for going in and killing Iraqi children. How come he never used them? How come he never used them? How come he never used them? How come he never used them? --------------------- |
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