mind.boggling... |
Posted by
- Friday, June 11 2004, 12:03:43 (CEST) from - customer-148-233-93-64.uninet-ide.com.mx Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
I don`t understand how anyone could have looked out over History and decided the United States was in the business of correcting "wrongs" done to little guys. So this is what their "strategy" was all along..the reason they were eager for Sanctions and war. They assumed America wants to help all Christians anywhere...they assumed America could "dictate" after it attacked Iraq..they assumed Iraqis would be grateful for these attacks and the war and the 500,000 dead children and the ruined infrastructure..they assumed America could beat and humiliate the Iraqis into submission, that when the dust settled and democracy was forced on Iraq, the Muslim majority would agree to give them triangles etc. And based on all these flimsy assumptions they put their efforts behind a war on the Assyrian people..as Assyrian as the boys are...for 14 years...and they wonder why no one trusts them. Now that none of it worked according to their plan...they want to ruin it for everyone else. As if they were building something till now! What have they ever achieved or encouraged for BetNahrain but ruin, destruction, theft and murder? --------------------- |
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